Wednesday, 28 June 2017

A Jewish Girls School in London has been visited by the Education Department’s Inspection tam and has been classified as below standards. This is despite
pupils being well motivated teachers having good subject knowledge. Behaviour is good, and pupils ‘behave well. The school teaches pupils to respect everybody, regardless of beliefs and lifestyle. The staff are well trained and the school is fully compliant on all matters of safeguarding, health and safety, pupil welfare and buildings.
Most people would consider this an ideal school to send their daughter. But not the Education Inspection team because they are not taught about gender reassignment or sexual orientation because the curriculum and learning policy is written in accordance with the school’s faith position.
So it doesn’t matter how good the school otherwise is if the school simply refuses to teach very young children about gender reassignment will lead to closure. It is appalling that schools are being forced to discuss gender reassignment and all the explicit details of sex, both natural and unnatural). Is it any wonder Britain has the highest teenage pregnancies in Europe?
This will affect all other faith schools which refuse, as a matter of faith, to teach about LGBT issues. I bet they won’t visit Muslim schools and make the same demands. Religious belief, it’s now been made crystal clear has no consideration by Inspection teams.
Is it not a bit hypocritical of the Archbishop of Canterbury to be advising the Prime Minister how to conduct Brexit negotiation talks in unity with other parties, when the Church is falling apart because no one in high office can negotiate a unified policy on same sex marriage and homosexuality in his own Church?
A priest in the Scottish Episcopal Church has just been consecrated a Bishop by the North American Anglican Church because he was disgusted by the Scottish Church adopting same sex marriage. Sadly the Archbishop of Canterbury regretted the action despite pleading in other places he did not support such ceremonies

Politicians, the Press, and especially the BBC are getting all steamed up about the Democratic Unionist Party being a support for the government just because they believe in traditional marriage and are opposed to unrestricted abortion. It doesn’t seem to be a matter for consideration that the government of the country is in peril, without any party able to exercise overall control; and the added horrific prospect of a government led by men who have shown anarchistic tendencies as an alternative to the Conservatives.
There were 190,406 abortions in this country last year and Scottish leaders want to invite women from Northern Ireland to go to Scotland for free abortions because it is banned in Northern Ireland.
There is a suggestion that the Church of England and the Methodist Church are to merge together. From personal experience and a common understanding through taking services in both, I cannot see that being a success. The Anglo Catholics will not surrender their semi-Roman tendencies and beliefs; the Methodists will not want to wear robes, and whilst Anglicans do not need to wear robes now, heaven help any man who does not.
The reason for such proposal is obviously because of falling attendances, and to some extent this could be mitigated by some intelligent reappraisal in both Churches.
The Church of England is so confused as to what it believes that fewer and fewer people both out of the Church as well as those within understand what it stands for.
In the Methodist Church the itinerant ministry is now outdated and in desperate, even if sincere, desire to keep going they are having preachers who are frankly not suitable. Lay preaching was introduced at a time when there was deep commitment to Biblical teaching, and even then Charles Wesley was fiercely opposed to such.
In both Churches there is a need to examine if there are too many Churches. I was once in a town where there were ten Churches of England against only two Roman Catholic ones; and there were also Methodists and Baptists. Most had small congregations.
We need to pray for both.

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