Friday 30 June 2023


Matthew 10  V 40-42

 These verses tell,  that the one who welcomes one of the disciples of Jesus, welcomes Jesus, and even welcomes the one who sent Jesus, God the Father. There are rewards for those who welcome God’s  messengers. If someone receives a prophet, they receive the same rewards as the  prophet, even if just giving a drink of water to one of Jesus’ disciples will be noted.

 There is a sense of hospitality involved, and the disciple can tell the one who offers hospitality, that God will reward them.  Jesus saw His messengers as prophetic figures, who will one day enter the Kingdom of God, and be present at the messianic banquet.

 Jesus was using a way of speaking which Jews would understand. The Jew always felt that to receive a messenger of a friend, was like receiving the friend.  The Jew also felt to receive a representative was to honor the representative who sent him. This was particularly so in regard to someone who bought God’s message.

 Matthew saw preaching and teaching was of the first importance of the ministry of Jesus, rather than the healing of the other gospel writers.  If healing, Jesus would heal and the person healed would be able to go on living, but if Jesus gives the gospel there will be eternal benefit.  There is here something good for a simple and humble person. We cannot all be prophets or preachers of the Word of God, but who show hospitality, willreceive  reward.

 There are many good men and women who have been a public figure, or gained public notice, have done much public service. They would if honorable, readily state that they had help and support from someone who will never be generally known. When true greatness is considered in the sight of God, all will  be recognized.

How many men if honest, would attribute their own success to the woman who prepared his meals. Other necessities ,and care of his children. There should be given every honor for the love and support for wives or friends, but I doubt that such  rarely happens.

 n this passage we set out the link in the chain to salvation.  There is God, out of whose love the whole of salvation was begun. There is Jesus who brought the message to men. There is the messenger or prophet who speaks the good news. There is the believer who welcomes God’s man, and receives the good news.

 The passage lays stress on the simple things, and the people whose help never gets known.  The Church will always need teachers and leaders, who will become well-known. But the Church will also need those who help in the preparation of services to be held, and for those who stay in the background and give attention to the every-day work with loving care and attention, which enable the Minister to perform his function.


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k in the chain to salvation.  There is God, out of whose love the whole of salvation was begun. There is Jesus who brought the message to men. There is the messenger or prophet who speaks the good news. There is the believer who welcMatthew   that the one who welcomes one of the disciples of Jesus, welcomes Jesus, and even welcomes the one who sent Jesus, God the Father. There are rewards for those who welcome God’s  messengers. If someone receives a prophet, they receive the same rewards as the  prophet, even if just giving a drink of water to one of Jesus’ disciples will be noted.



Friday 23 June 2023

Matthew 10 v 24 TO 39


Jesus had just appointed twelve Apostles, and is in this passage giving them instructions and advice for the work they are going to do in His name. Jesus is warning His disciples they must expect to be treated as He was.

 The Jews had a saying, ‘ it is enough for the slave to be as his master’ and in the later days to use it in a special way. Jerusalem was destroyed so completely, a plough could be used  across its destruction. The Jews were dispersed throughout the world, and they lamented and complained about the terrible fate that had happened to them.  The Rabbis said to them, that when God’s Temple was destroyed, how can any Jew  complain about his personal misfortune.

There is a warning, that as Christ had to carry a cross, so must the individual Christian do so. 

 When Christianity costs us something, we are close to the fellowship of Jesus Christ, and if we know the sufferings of His fellowship, we shall think we are treading where the saints trod, and elsewhere where Jesus trod.         

 The opponents of Jesus called him Beelzebub, meaning he was the devil, so he said by calling him that, it makes his followers be condemned. He tells his followers they should not be afraid, for whilst up to then the Jews were noted for their secrecy, a time would come when all will be revealed about them and they would be exposed to the world.

 Jesus said there would be those who would want to kill or harm them, but whatever they could do to the body, only God could harm the soul. Sparrows were cared for by God, and none could even fall to the ground without God knowing, and  God was always watching over us, and will protect us from harm.

 They were to  speak with boldness the things He had taught them. They must tell others what He had taught, here is the function of a preacher.  First the preacher listens to Christ,  and he then becomes the voice of Christ. The famous Scottish preacher John Knox, said he feared God so much he feared no man

 A Christian should not fear anyone when speaking for Christ. Jesus stated that man could do no harm, and any on who fails to do so is guilty of infidelity. Man can harm a man’s body, but God can cause the death of a soul.

 Jesus wanted his people to acknowledge Him, but some were denying any relationship with Him. He also wanted them to realise His followers would be challenged and persecuted just for being His people.

 So what message is there for us? If we are really faithful followers of Jesus, we will let him be our example and try to practise his ways, and most certainly follow his teaching.

 Today, Ministers of the Church are ever ready to give different interpretations of Scripture for fear of upsetting people, or/and because the Bible is unacceptable to them in its original form.

 As I have said many times, we cannot claim to be Christians if we come to hear all Jesus is and said, and then ignore to do our own thinking. Paul made it clear in his Letters that it was false, and clearly unacceptable, to listen to the words of Scripture, and then go and do the opposite of his commands

 But things are going beyond that even. There are clergy who from the highest level to the lowest, who are deliberately and purposely, teaching and practising that which is complete contradiction to what they are bound to preach. This is blatant arrogance, and a betrayal of vows made by Ministers at Ordination, and a number of bishops are campaigning for same sex marriage, and this means the abandonment at  their consecration service..

 Jesus was here warning them to count the cost of following Him, knowing that His followers would face hardship abuse and be isolated from, friends. He always sought quality, never quantity, just people ready to be loyal to him.

 Christian Concern is a legal defence team, formed to help Christians who are penalised in any form, because of having expressed a belief. So many cases have been reported to them, that they are constantly defending in the Courts.

 I have stated before how politicians in this country don’t do God; it has become an anathema to them. We have had a continuous line of Prime Ministers, who have been anxious to create legislation which offends Christianity, and in addition have made laws to prosecute any who dare criticise the same.

 I find it so hypercritical to hear people expressing criticism of a United States President, just because some liberal minded comedian or BBC television presenter condemns him, when in fact he has given full support to Christians in his country and rescinded the immoral laws of his predecessor.(He may be back soon)

 Jesus tells how God will protect us. He states that we may suffer from physical and verbal attacks which may harm us, but no one can affect or harm our soul. Jesus does this with an illustration.

 Sparrows are the smallest of creatures, and a penny is the lowest form of currency, yet God cares for all the sparrows which can be bought for so little, how much more will He care for the sons and daughters in his Christian family, when He knows so much about them,.

 God will care for all who stand firm in faith, answering prayers when we turn to Him, if we are asking for that which is within his purpose. But remember just as an earthly father will at times not answer what his children ask for, only because he will know to grant what they ask for may not be in their best interests or even harm.

 I have heard preachers say you can’t ask God for trivial things, like make it possible for me to find a parking space, to find a lost article, and the like; but God wants to be involved in all parts of our lives, and if He is so prepared to grant big requests, why is it not acceptable to ask for the smallest. The Bible tells us to make our request to God for all things, and it does not put a stipulation regarding the prayer request.

 Finally, Jesus warns He did not come to bring peace, rather a sword, by which He means opposition. He came to earth to proclaim the gospel, which would lead to division. He knew that even among families, there will be friction because of Him.  How true I have found this to be so.

 I had a lady who joined my congregation, who had a most captive personality. Within a short time, she brought in other women with their children, and even extended her participation to hold Bible study meetings in her home. 

 Her husband worked on a North Sea oil rig, and was away from home for weeks at a time. One evening he called home, and heard voices on the phone and asked for an explanation. When she told him, it was a Church meeting, he gave  her an ultimatum, give up Church or give up your marriage. Because of her two young children, we didn’t see her again.

 The same has happened when children have been drawn to a Church, and found objection from their parents and relationships are broken.

 Like all Ministers, I have been ready always, to visit any member admitted to hospital. It was a common request from men, not to go  and see  them in hospital if dressed in clerical dress.

 Why do so many men think Jesus died only for women, and was not interested in the male gender. Muslim men are proud of their faith, and vigorously defend and admit to it, and deserve much applause for doing so. There is the stupid belief it  makes them look weak, and think it less macho to stand and declare your faith, so run   away like a frightened child.

 Be bold, be strong, for the Lord your God is with you. May the Lord bless you 

Friday 16 June 2023

Matthew 9, 35 to 10. v 5. 

The compassion of Jesus is common theme in Matthews Gospel. In this passage, Jesus went through villages and towns, preaching in the Synagogues, and telling the good news about the Kingdom of God. He healed all manner of illneses,and when He saw the crowds He showed compassion, for they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd,

He told His Apostles the harvest was great, but the workers few. So calling for prayer to the Lord of the harvest,to send more workers.

Jesus called the Apostles together, and gave them the authority to cast out evil spirits, and heal every kind of illness. He sent the Apostles out, and told them not to go to the Gentiles, but only to the people of Israel.

As we reflect on the passage, we Find there strength of faith in Christ can be found in Places we would not expect to find it. A blind man called out, to Son of David. They could not have seen the micracles He perfomed, but only have heard from someone else. However, their eyes may not have seen, but thier minds were enlightened. They could see the truths the Pharisees could not see. They saw Jesus of nazareth, and they believed He would heal them.

This teaches us we should not give up hope of someone's salvation merely because of anything we think might prevail aaginst them Grace is stronger than circumstamces, The life of Christianity does not lie upon outward factors  The Holy Spirit can give faith, and keep faith active without great book learning or money.  this is something the academic theologians should learn.  Think of the Apostles who were ordinary fishermen and the like, who in to-day' Church would never pass a seletion board.  Instead, we get lumbered with men and women who re unable to honour their vows.  Wihout the Holy Spirit, a man may know all the contents of books,and live in a full blaze of the gospel, but be lost. Poor men living in strange areas may be found to have faithfully believed in Jeus Christ, while the man with full University lerning may be like the Pjarisees in hardeend unbelief. Jesus said, the last may be the first .

Jesus had great experience of disease and sickness. He went into all the towns and villages,attending to all the ills a body can produce, and faced up to all kinds of body suffering, confronting  every kind of sickness,yet nothing was too frightening for Him,

There is much for us to learn, especially for those of us in ministry as we perfrom pastoral duty, and I know that Ministers of churches in poor districts of our big cities face likewise every day, and deserve total credit. Not for them a constant search for a parish in more select areas.  This was displayed, and is still happening, during the pandemic which swept the world.  We never know what we might be expected to face, and have to have faith in the Lord to protect us,  I am in contact with Pastors daily, who have to face not only sickness of the worst kind, but also danger from the authorities who are not of the Christian faith.  I admire their courage and fortitude.  The Great High Priest to whom we pray for pardon and peace from God, is well able to look with pity on the disabled,

We see the tender compassion of Jesus for the nglected souls. He saw plenty of people when He was among them, seeing them as sheep without a shepherd, and was moved with compassion for them. He saw them neglected by those who should have been caring for them helpless and dying. The sight moved Him to deep sorrow and pity.

There are millions of idolaters and heathen on earth which we meet, and their ignorance and resistance to becoming comverted is something we will not be able, on our own to deal with.  It seems the richer people and well educated, who never have to face the social disorder others have to endure, so living in a make-believe world of sufficiency, are the harder to face.  they have such self-confidence which makes them feel invincible, and many attend Church for showmanship or business reasons.  Any commitment to the Lord is purely coincidental.  We still have to have pity for their misguided lives

Finally, we find their is a solemn duty on Christians to face the unconverted world. We need to pray for firstly the conversion of all Ministers of the Church, to return to the Bible once given for all time. This may sould cynical, but it is a firm fact. If I am doubted, look at the Churches in this country who peform same sex marriages, and from within the Church there people campaigning for this, despite having vowed at ordination to banish all false doctrine.

If we do not have full confidence for the supreme authority of the Bible in our mission, we are not fully equipped. Think of 2 Timothy3  v.16. All Scripture is breathed out by God and  profiable for teaching, for rproof, for corruption, and for training in righteousness. that the man of God may be competent, equipped for evry good work. 

May we all pray never forgetting to pray for the unconverted, especially those in our families and those with whom we meet, it is the surest way of doing good and wiping out evil. Money can buy, Universities may teach and give learning.  Congregations may elect and bishops ordain.  Holy Spirit makes efficient Ministers of the gospel, and raise up lay workers in a spiritual harvest, Never forget we can do wonders in this world if we are blessed by the Holy Spirit, so let us pray for that.

In the verses from Chapter 10 there is some solemnity.  Here is the first ordination as Jesus gives His Apostles authority to act in his Name.

We see in the first place, that all Ministers are not necessarily good men. We see our Lord choosing His Apostles, one of which was Juds Iscariot.  Jesus would know well the characters of the men He chose, and one was a traitor.

It is important to note that ordinations do not confer the saving grace of the Holy Spirit. Ordained men, as we have seen are not to be assumed to be converted. They should not be regarded as infallible either in doctrine or in practice.  It is known some make use of their position to do bad things, and not see them as in Christ's place, which some like to claim. They may not be above the harm of flattery. They should be proven by their adherence to the Word of God. We should seek to pray they would be in the likeness of James, John, and Jude, not as of Judas.

We are taught the great work of a Minister is to do good, by seeking figuratively, lost sheep;proclaim the good news of the Gospel, to comfort the suffering, seek to restore the sorrowing; follow  a life of giving mot receiving.  A faithful Minister of Christ will be a subject of abuse not ease. I have found the surest way of getting abuse is to be politically incorrect; another is to preach the Bible which condemms modern lines of thinking; and to tell what is spiritually right. I have also learned to be complained  against is more like a badge of honour, for it hits home when a person has a guilty conscience. We shall all be judged by according to our light.

All who read to-day's passage should put to their conscience, are we decent and respectable in our lives, correct and moral in all the relations of life. Are we really receiving the love of truth and is Christ dwelling in our hearts by faith.  Without this, the preaching of the Gospel only adds to our guilt and takes us away from God.  

Tuesday 13 June 2023

 Isaiah 6

My message to-day, is from the Old Testament which reminds that it is an essential. Part of the Bible, to which Jesus often referred.

The story refers to an event which occurred two thousand eight hundred years ago, at a critical period in the history of the land of Judah.

      King Uzziah had died after a reign of 52 years, and the nation waited to    see who would take his place.  For most of his reign, he had ruled wisely, but towards the end had become proud,   and felt he could do what he liked, and his pride led to his downfall.   Pleasure and materialism, leading to immorality, so led to a spiritual and moral vacuum, and he contracted leprosy.  He saw evil as good and good as evil, which the Bible warns against. 

     If we look at Western society, we see evil everywhere.  In both Britain and America, newspapers are full of horrific deeds and cruelty.  The older generations here in Britain, will remember when we could allow our children to go to the local park without any concern, knowing they would be reasonably safe; when older folk did not fear being attacked in their own home; when it was safe to leave your front door open and windows at night; when girls and young women could walk the streets without fear of sexual assault.  I think much of this would resonate with American friends.

     We have too, a spiritual and moral crisis,  When you listen or read the newspapers, do you ever wonder if it is you or the world around you that is going mad.  Political correctness is taken to extremes. It is no longer permissible to refer to husband or wife, or even man or woman.  Emergency services personnel cannot go into a pond three feet deep to rescue a stranded person, unless had full life saving training and one man died as a result of such policy,  and so it goes on endlessly all to justify some bureaucrats having a job. 

     Added to all such happenings, we have the Churches deviating from God’s written Word, and His order of creation challenged.

     We have to remove the cross from crematoriums lest it offend a humanist, and not refer to BC and AD to avoid offending non Christians.  If you stand for biblical morality you are intolerant, and to claim Jesus as the only Saviour is discriminatory.  As Christians we should not allow ourselves to be turned away from biblical teaching. 

     When we accept and recognise God as the Bible portrays Him, mighty, majestic and sovereign, who rules the whole world, we will feel compelled to strive for the gospel to be made known widely.

Isaiah is led by God’s grace in his commission as a Prophet, after having  a vision.

     The book of Isaiah in the Bible, conveys the lasting impression of the vision of God in His infinite holiness. He heard the voice of God asking ‘who shall I send?’. Isaiah replied, ‘here I am Lord send me.’ (this is the basis for that lovely hymn, I the Lord of sea and sky)

     Isaiah said he saw the Lord, and recognising that no one has ever actually ‘seen’ visibly the Lord, he meant that God reveals Himself to us in a multiplicity of ways.  We are to look up to God, and realise His provision of forgiveness which He makes possible for us through the death of Jesus on the Cross.  Try to see this amazing God of grace, as contained in the words of one of the favourite hymns by John Newton’s ‘Amazing grace’. 

      In v 6-10, God decrees the Prophet’s ministry will have a hardening effect on his own generation. In the midst of a people who were more and more giving themselves over to things, which were not part fo God’s desire. And should not be compare with anything holy,  The effect on the prophet was overwhelming, taken together with his own turning from the Lord with his own sins. He could only see himself as a failure. Isaiah felt he had let down his holy Lord.

.       There was a surge of materialism, irresponsible behaviour, and a failing to honour the Lord.   Isaiah preached to the Jews, but they hardened their hearts and rejected God,  and so received God’s judgement.  In the midst of all the unrest and turmoil, Isaiah saw God was looking after His own.

      The message given is one of solemn judgement. It is not for the people to hear the implications of the message. They are to go blinder and their hearts made hard,  and the nation to be destroyed.

     There  is a sense of total devastation, but still there is a promise. As a stump of a tree grows, so shall  they flourish, and the people may gather again with the service ad dominion of the Almighty creator of Israel.

     Today holiness is mocked and replaced by happiness, for we are not to rebuke bad behaviour as it makes people feel guilty and hurts their feelings. Being holy means hating sin.

      There are many today who think they can live as debauched a life as they like, and when things go wrong they start crying why did God allow this, forgetting God is a righteous God.  People need to be reminded that God is not a remote being, having little or nothing to do with everyday affairs, He is involved in all our lives and we offend Him at our peril. 

Another hymn that needs to be considered is Immortal Invisible God only wise, a God that sees all, and is there when we call upon Him.


.  There was a surge of materialism, irresponsible behaviour, and a failing to honour the Lord

 Isaiah preached to the Jews, but they hardened their hearts and rejected God and so received God’s judgement. 

In the midst of all the unrest and turmoil, Isaiah saw God was loking after His own.

Thursday 8 June 2023


The Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2. v42)

In my previous sermon, I wrote about the Great Commission in which Jesus told His Apostles;

All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me, Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the  Holy Spirit and teaching  them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold I am with you always to the end of the age.

That command led to the Apostles going out to the nations, just teaching as Jesus decreed, and became the Teaching of the Apostles. This was the established foundation of the Christian faith, as the Apostles were telling the gospel as Jesus had taught them.

This morning I want to take you back to the time of the first Christian Church, which set a model for all time. Without any of the wonderful technological discoveries we enjoy, the gospel spread across the world.

Regrettably today’s Church has not been as faithful in following the example they gave, and in consequence has not been blessed in the way they were. However, there are Churches which are thriving, and can point to the fact that they have based their worship on the teaching of the Apostles.

Before leaving them, He told them to return to Jerusalem and wait for the promise of the Father, you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now, and you will be my witness in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.  Here in the words of our Lord, is the purpose for which He founded the Church.  He then left them, and ascended back to heaven.     

Soon after, Peter addressed crowds at Pentecost and 3,000 people turned to Christ; the Church of Christ was born. They met regularly in fellowship, accepting and forgiving each other, and were devoted to the teaching of the Apostles, who were of course taught by our Lord Himself. The people were inspired and filled with awe; are you regularly inspired and filled with awe at your services? 

The Bible states that God in consequence, added to their numbers. In other words, God builds the Church when He touches a person’s heart and that person responds by accepting, that Jesus died for the forgiveness of their sins and he/she turns, and lives and worships according to the teaching of Jesus.

The apostles taught the truth about Jesus Christ – the Gospel. They taught about the way in which he fulfilled the Old Testament ,Scriptures in order to bring people to salvation through His sacrificial death on the cross, and His resurrection. They also taught how salvation in Jesus Christ was to be worked out in the life of the believer. They are not teaching something that they have made up in their own minds, but only things which have been revealed to them by Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Jesus had already made it clear to them, that their teaching was to be consistent with His. 

The church is built on the teaching of the Apostles, which is nothing other than the teaching of Christ, made known through them.  Together with Christ, the Apostles and prophets form the foundation of the church: and by God’s grace we have that teaching today, it is called the New Testament.

Luke tells us a number of fascinating things about the new life that some people in Jerusalem began to enjoy. They would have been ordinary people, who had visited Jerusalem on a pilgrimage from all over the Middle East, many would have been Jews, but they were 3,000 who had been touched by Peter’s word’s, and had turned as He had bid them, and repented of their past life, been baptized and accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour. 

The Bible states, ‘they were cut to the heart’; in other words they were deeply convicted. Throughout the ages, God has opened people’s hearts and made them respond to His call to turn to Jesus. They then devoted themselves to the teaching of the Apostles.

Coming to Jesus is a two way thing; God calls, we respond, but the first action is from God, who knows the secrets of our hearts and calls when He knows we are ready. 

As the years went by, the Apostles went all over the world teaching the truth. Our whole gospel message is based on the writings of the New Testament Apostles.
What should occupy our minds, is to consider if the Church is still preaching the message of the Apostles, and is it fit for the purpose Christ and His Apostles built it?

That is a hard question to answer; in places yes, especially the Pentecostal Churches; but in the main denominational Churches, only to a limited extent. In order to justify that let us reflect. Liberalism is causing the Church to fall apart as it seeks to have biblical authority, supplanted for cultural expression, and thereby undercutting truth to make the Bible suit their own ends, placing trendy social issues before the Cross of Christ.

The Church should be the moral conscience and voice of the nation, providing spiritual disinfectant on the evils of society.

A Prime Minster chose to redefine the meaning of marriage, to that given by God, suppressing all opposition. There has barely been a whisper from the Church to take God’s position. Indeed, leaders of the Church have openly campaigned for its acceptance. We now have God’s created gender order being overturned, with children of the tender age of six years, being questioned as to whether they think they are of the proper gender. Again, rather than point out the biblical order, the Church is introducing special provision to prepare services of welcome for transgender people.

If you are not a (true) believer, these things may not matter to you, indeed may seem trivial to mention, but to those who have chosen to enter a preaching ministry, and/or a sincere believer, it is quite out of order to support, and even more so to practise.

At General Synod, a bishop contradicted the Bible, in other words stating God was wrong, when he said something was not a sin, when the Bible unequivocally states the contrary. We should never suggest the Bible has got things wrong; we are talking about that which God directly wanted to be known. Can you imagine a Muslim cleric ever questioning the Koran?

God chose 40 men of different occupations, with different characters, and over many years, inspired them by His spirit to write all He wanted people to know, believe, and practise.  They did not know each other, or what the others were writing, yet there was no contradiction on what was written.

Note also, Jesus gave strict commands on spiritual, moral, ethical and social matters, and all clergy vowed at ordination to honour the words of Scripture to banish false doctrine.

Paul warned that there would be those who would not wish to hear sound doctrine, and would seek false teachers who would say what they wanted to hear, and there are plenty of them in the Church today. Never forget, the church does not belong to men (or women) it is Christ’s church, and He builds it through the teaching of the men who were His Apostles.

When we hear their teaching on a regular basis, not only does our faith grow, but also our ability to defend and help others to understand, especially those most closest and dearest to us, who are not yet followers of our Lord. We may not remember all we hear, but will be inspired by the power of what has been preached. We will learn to be guided by the Scriptures, and will come to know more about God and His Son, and how we should live according to His commands.

Paul knew it would never be an easy task; that opposition would be met, but said we do not have a spirit of timidity, be strong. We should show no fear or favour, and never ever be ashamed of our faith. But that is exactly what is happening in some of our Churches, especially in the Church of England. We are bound to preach what people need to hear rather than what some might prefer.

If we are to be the witnesses for Jesus, we must first be sure we have experienced His presence, and secondly, tell positively what Jesus stated and commanded. It is not enough to say we know about Him, even the devil could say that, we must have accepted Him as Saviour, and believed in all He did and commanded. We cannot amend or put on an application, which He obviously would not have approved. 

Being a witness is something that falls to all Christians to be, and it doesn’t mean theological knowledge required, or being intrusive, we can be a most effective witness by just letting it be known we attend Church, which tends to show we are followers of Christ. If the Church is to survive in any meaningful way, it is down to the ordinary Church members, as there is now no one on the national scene with any notable charisma.

The responsibility for teaching falls principally on the clergy, and the Bible states a preacher is given a solemn task to preach in the name of God and Jesus Christ, and will one day have to answer as to how faithfully he carried out that privilege. God demonstrated how He responds to faithful preaching, by the blessing He gave in the life of Billy Graham, who preached to 220 millions of people in 185 countries, with gatherings of between 30-80 thousands a time, fearlessly and constantly quoting what the Bible stated.

We have to tell our faith is not something someone made up. There is testimony from people alive at the time of Jesus’ life on earth, and not only from His followers, but from literary men of the time, and it has been recorded. The Bible has many prophecies in the Old Testament, made many years earlier, which most have come true. There are so many interlinked stories, none of which have been contradicted, and not even the most sophisticated computer could excel. 

Our Gospel is, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures. This, which was an early Christian confession, gives us the heart of the gospel, and shows that the resurrection is an integral part of the gospel. The reality can be verified by the Scriptures, and historical evidence as the empty tomb and the eye witnesses.

Only Christianity has a Cross at the centre of its faith. Only Jesus suffered an horrific death on the Cross, a death made for criminals, who were made to parade through the streets with a crown on his head, beaten 39 times with a leather belt fitted with metal studs to cut the skin, stripped of clothes and nailed through His hands and feet on the cross, and all for the sake of paying the penalty for the sins you and I commit.

He could have refused to go there, but went willingly so we could be forgiven and put back in to a relationship with God, and made us fit for heaven, where we will live on day with Him. God said this is what man has shown and done to my Son; this is what I have done, and showed by raising Him to life again.

Let us reflect on this story to see some important facts,  Jesus made a claim no other person, man or woman, could make. He claimed authority over all things in heaven and earth, given to Him by His Father. No other religious leader could make such a claim. No other religion can make the claims of the Church. No other leader could offer such forgiveness as Jesus. And, He is and wll be with us always.

When baptizing people, the Apostles had first to have the person make a public confession of faith and repentance for sin.

The Bible book Acts of the Apostles, is the story of the building of the Church, but it is also an emphasis that the essential purpose of the Church is proclaiming the gospel, that is what Jesus built it for.

Those who have the privilege of preaching the gospel, must do so truthfully and not by personal opinion or desire, Jesus gave complete direction and example; He taught all we need. Only Jesus can offer salvation, and provide help in trouble.

Pray for your Pastor, or; Minister, Priest, Vicar to be faithful to the Scriptures.

                                   You are invited to comment   




Sunday 4 June 2023

Matthew 28  v 16-20

The lesson for this week comes frm Matthew 28, and is known as The Great Commission.  These verses close Matthew's gospel, and were last words of our Lord before He returned to heaven. They are the commands of Jesus to His Apostles, to take the gospel to all nations, and telling them to teach all He has commanded.  Those words now apply to His Church to do the same.

Jesus had arranged to meet His  Apostles at a mountain in Galille, and when He met them,they worshipped Him.

Jesus begins speaking to them, and told them that He had all power over heaven and earth given to Him. This is a declaration only Jesus could make, claiming God the Father had appointed Him to be in charge of all matters, the anointed One who can absolve sinners, who can cleanse us, who can give repentance and remission of sins. He is the Way; the truth; the light; the good shepherd.

Jesus bid His Apostles to go out and teach all nations, they were not to think the gospel was only for Jews, or keep it to themselves, they were to make all know.  That order of Jesus is still in full force, and it is the duty of every follower of Jesus, to do all they can in person and in prayer, to make others followers of Him.

The primary duty falls on the clergy by the preaching of the gospel,  as it is written without distortion or personal opinions added.  But every Christian can help, by letting family and friends know you are a member of the Church, and if possible to invite them to attend with you,or on their own. A family should all be of one mind, for one day there will be a day of reckoning when we all appear before the Lord and should have a place in heaven, but remember that those who reject Christ will be rejected by Him.

Jesus  tell His Apostles to baptise those who have received their message and become followers, and who have made a public expression of faith, which Jesus expects, of those who receive Him and believe the gospel.

Baptism has now become a total charade in our Churches. Some Ministers anxious to increase numbers, will allow people to call the Church to arrange a baptism ,usuall for a child or  young person, at a time convenitent for them, sometimes even specifying who should administer the service.

I have yet to find any justiofication for a person to be baptised, who has not repented and made a confession of faith. It is ludicrous to state a child, little more than a baby, can be said to be born again, and many of those  who come for such services, first make promises to bring the child up in the Church, but knowthey will never do this, and claim they themselves have cleansed themselves of all sin, when  many with their lifestyle, would deny all cleanliness.

I see on tlevision, services from a Presbyterian Church in America, where children are often being baptised, and the Pastor tells that this is a continuation based on the Old Testament children being offerd to God.  That is a novel suggestion.

Baptism is an outward sign, which in itself will not lead to salvation, the thief who died on the Cross alongside Jesus was taken into heaven without being baptised.  The plain necessity is a confession to Christ and His redeeming work, for when He gave His life to grant righteousness to all who repented. Jesus rquires all who become His followers, to observe all He has commanded.

Such a demand disqualfies much of what the Churh supports. In Matthew's gospel, Jesus refers to marriage as between a man and a woman (as God made them male and female) not two of one sex. In the Letter to Romans,  the Bible condemns homosexuality, yet the Church approves.

Jesus expects true Christians would live to practical obedience to His ommands. Nothing can be gained if people go to Church, and hear the Ministers give approval of any action which contravenes the Bible. The only reality is obedience to what Jesus has taught, and alleging faith which is not practised is hypocrisy. We should all pay reverence to such teaching.

In the final words of Jesus, He stated I am with you to the end of the world. These should be words o   f comfort and strength.  Christians are to accept Christ is with us for 'always'. He came into the world being God in the flesh, now He has done all God the Father sent Him to do, and now He is about to end His earthly ministry, to be with us in eternity. Whatever happens, He is with us, and we come to the end of the gospel story.

Let us reflect on the message of this passage, and consider how we may act upon what has been stated.

An important start, is to decide what kind of a Church we want to ne part of. Do we have a desire to be one of ceremonnial, on perfect formality with a tendency to be a High Church, semi-Catholic. Or is an evangelical Church, with a strong commitment to the preaching of the gospel, giving full authority to the Bible. There still remains a Church without any distinct function, leaving it to be asked do they know why they are so abstract.

Anyone who watches television, will know how business spends thousands of pounds i advertising their product. Obviously, they would not do so unless they received some financial return. We in the Church do not make a lot of effort to make what we offer in the Lord's business.  In effect, I often wonder if some are ashamed to be unique in what we are here for. Only the Church can offer to people free of charge, an opportunity to energise their life, and offer hope and comfort to the suffering. 

Jesus told the Apostles to GO. He probably meant go into the streets and highways, but here in the United Kingdom some preachers  do actually go into the streets to preach the gospel, but often find someone has called the police, and the preacher is arrested and detained in a police station for hours. The preacher ends up in a Court of law, and some indeed, have been heavily fined; just for telling what is in the Bible. We can however, hold what a Bishop in my Diocese did, and have weekday evenings for a 'teach in'.  He was an exceptional teacher for one who is a bishop, and there was always a good attendance.

Our services need thoughtful preparation, and essentially need to be made appealing. There was a Pastor in Atlanta,, United States, who recently sadly died, who attracted people simply with his preaching.  He would take a secular subject, such as loneliness, or meeting friends, things which people meet, and would wrap them with explained bible verses. \What a succes he was.

There are various ways an enterprising Pastor can  take, to convince people we are still normal and caring. Two items are essential. Music, for people love to sing providing the hymns and songs can be understood.  The Bible as the supreme authority of the Church. We have to acknowledge that many people, and especially young ones, have no idea of what the Bible states, for many of the characters are unknown to them. There are so many stories in the Scriptures, if properly explained can be very good to hear. Such services can be extended into social gatherings, as long as the social  part is the minor one.

The Church was once a focal point for the locl community,which is why there was at least one in evey district.  Lives were  lived through it, and it was a beacon of light in a dark world.  It needs to be so again.

Remember, Jesus said, go into all the world, make disciples, teach all I commanded.

Durinfg the rcent pandemicmany people were grievously upset as relatives, members of the family and friends were seriously ill or even dying. Some were sincere c|hristians although that was not a factor, they still werelooking as people do when they are on difficulty tothe Church. But the leadership hadordred all Churches to be closed. There has to be a means by which  we can be contacted. 


Friday 2 June 2023


          JOHN 17

    It is the night before the Crucifixion.  Jesus is with His Apostles at the Last Supper and is spending His last hours before going to the Cross.

 In a few hours He will be dead, so He is telling them He is going to leave them and they will be left to face life without Him. He then concludes with a prayer, which makes this one of the outstanding passages in the New Testament, telling His followers then, and by extension to those who follow Him through the ages, what they will have to face as Christians.

 The Cross was the glory of Jesus because it was the completion of the work God had sent Him to do.  God had given Him authority over every man and woman on earth; He had come to show the love of God and what He was prepared to suffer for mankind.  In His glory He brings glory to God, and if He had not gone to the Cross, it would have meant His work was not completed; to stop short would have suggested there was a limit to that love.  Jesus showed there was nothing the love of God was not prepared to do and suffer for us. 

 The Bible makes it clear that Jesus could have escaped the Cross by never going near Jerusalem.    The Cross was proof that men could do their worst yet He could rise above their worst, and the Cross would not be the end, for the resurrection was to follow.  

 For Jesus, life was life with a climax and that was the Cross.  When He spoke of the Cross as His glorification it had a deep significance.  It is one of the facts of history again and again, that it was in death that some people’s greatness was recognised and they would never ever know how they influenced others.        

 I once took a funeral of a young man who virtually gave up his life by the way he lived, suffering from acute depression and a feeling of achieving nothing.  Tributes were paid in the most sincere and outstanding words by men of his profession, who went to considerable effort to do so, and it was sad to realise the young man never knew how much he was valued.  We see this in the life of religious figures and in the world of music and art. 

 In verse 6, Jesus says ‘I have revealed you to those whom you have given me’.  Jesus is here thinking of particularly of the Apostles with Him in the Upper Room; those who turned and followed Him in His ministry; those ‘kept the Word’, meaning they were obedient to the faith.  But this also equates to all who would one day follow Him.

 Then Jesus goes on to say He was not praying for the world, but for those who God had given Him.  Jesus is teaching us that we are rescued from the world.  The world means all who are opposed to God’s standards and way of life; those who live without reference to God.

 This means there are two types of people in the world, which the gospel makes clear over and over again, those who are loyal and obedient to God and those who are not   Jesus was always quite unequivocal, that we are either for Him or against Him, there is no neutrality or sitting on the fence. Jesus is firmly black or white in how you respond to Him   

 It is like being on a mountain top; you can keep to the laid down path and be safe, or make your own way which will likely end in disaster.  Jesus spoke of two roads, one leading to eternal life, the other to destruction, so we have to decide our course in life. 

 In the Bible names mean not only how we are addressed, but also refer to people’s character.  When Jesus says that God will protect us by the power of His Name, He means the power associated with God’s character that He will keep us and watch over us and guard us spiritually from falling from Him.  The Bible makes it clear we need to obey the Word of God.

 There are of course, religious orders who lock themselves away from the outside world.  They are truly dedicated men and women, who sincerely believe they are serving God.  The kind of Christianity however, which shuts itself off in a monastery or convent, would not have seemed to Jesus to be Christianity at all.  The kind of Christianity, which finds the essence of the Christian life in prayer and meditation in a life secluded from the world, would have seemed to Jesus to be a sad version of the faith the He died to bring to people. 

 It was Jesus insistence to be in the hurly burly of life that we must live out our faith. Christianity was never meant to withdraw men and women from ordinary people.  It does not release us from problems, but equips us to deal with them.  It offers not always peace, but triumph. 

 Jesus is saying He wants His people to be in the midst of the world, mixing with non believers.  Just as a lifeboat is of no use set permanently polished in a station, but is needed to go out and rescue people trapped in stormy seas, so we need to be rescuing those dear to us, trapped in the perils of life in this world. 

 Jesus was saying His people are not meant to be little ships which stay in harbour, although it is much safer, that is not what ships are for, they are meant to be on the high seas.

 Jesus prayed for the unity of His disciples, and that they would be one as He and His Father were one.  There can be no divisions between Christians.  If there are, the cause of Christianity is harmed, and the prayer of Jesus is rejected. 

Jesus never considered different denominations which would be criticising one another, or considered one denomination could claim exclusive access.  Jesus prayed we would be one, and there is no prayer of Jesus which has been so hindered from being answered by Christians

 Jesus warned us of the hostility we face from a hostile world which hates Christians.  If you find that hard to accept, just consider the violence, even murder, of Christians in Pakistan, Nigeria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia. 

On a more subtle scale, in Australia and Canada; where Bible preaching is under threat, and proposals have been made to ban parts of Scripture.

You may say well this is England it can’t happen here, but it is here.   We have people with quite manic attitude to Christianity.  Now we have our faith under threat from politicians and public servants who want to ignore Christian festivals, restrict the wearing of a Cross, students of rich parents demonstrating about issues they haven’t the intelligence to understand.                                                   

Christian Concern’, the organisation which legally represents Christians suffering from secular repression and harassment, is constantly defending Christians who have been suspended or legally acted against.

The world hates biblical truth, and if you take a stand publicly for the truth of the gospel, you will not be popular and are likely to be called narrow minded at best, and a bigot at worst. 

 Finally Jesus prayed that His people would be made holy by the truth, set apart for a purpose, and have the character necessary for he task. If we are Christians set apart through the death of Christ so we must go into the world with the Word of God.

 The church is built upon the apostles' teaching who took all Jesus had taught th and commanded them to preach, and all Christians must share with the apostles in the apostolic faith. Such is a manual for living the Christian life, for this is what Jesus endowed to us.                

Jesus was emphatic all Christians must live in unity, and he would be distressed to see how badly we have failed to be faithful to him.  Jesus treasured the relationship he had with God, and wanted that to be transmitted to his followers, they were to be one just as he and his Father were.                                                                       

There is however a distinct difference between unity  and uniformity.  We can be free to choose the form of worship, as some of us prefer a less conformist service, whilst others like a strict liturgy with much ceremonial.                                                       

But however the worship is carried out there has to be a basic foundation of belief and doctrine, and not the mix up we have where some Churches want a very loose version of the Bible, which corresponds with society’s ideals to the contradiction of the Bible.                                                                                                                       

As Christians we should be able to go to   any part of the world and feel comfortable and of one mind with the Christian people of that nation. One family with one God, but many brothers and sisters in the family, with different languages and people oif different colour, but all worshipping the same Saviour.                                                           

Jesus gave total obedience to God and demands we are just as obedient in our allegiance and faith.  We should glory in doing what we are called upon to do.                      

 The Apostles obeyed Jesus and took the gospel to many places without any of the facilities we have to-day     

Whilst there are Churches with large congregations, they are usually situated in large cities. Every Church wherever situated should be constantly evangelistic in its outlook, conforming to Scripture, and music can be a valuable means to attract.  People like to sing, but they need melodic tunes rather than chants an anthems  Music is often side=lined, and a minor-.issue.  If anyone does have those  views, just look at a Billy Graham meeting. .                                                               

The Churches are falling apart as they strive to be popular. It is time for us to face the challenge, and provide what many people are looking for to- to be able to sing the traditional  hymns by the great writers, and to hear the gospel told to them in the simple language of their native tongue.

May God bless you and be with you as you go in His Name