Today is
Advent Sunday and for many Churches it is the start of the Church’s year. For all Christians it is a time when we think
about the return of our Lord, although for so many people, they have not
recognised His first coming. This is a
very serious and important subject and should not be treated lightly. The
teachings of the Bible are not acceptable to many folk within the Church, but they are quite clear. Let us look at them together this morning.
The Bible tells us that God will one day
bring an end to this world. 380 times in the New Testament the return of Jesus
is mentioned, and the whole Bible promises His return.
There is a call to be prepared to
receive him when he returns, and a warning for those who fail to prepare.
In this
passage, Jesus foretells of His coming. Having warned of the destruction of the
Temple at Jerusalem, he tells of the consummation of all things on His return.
The powers of heaven will be shaken, there will be changes in the skies which
will indicate heaven shaking. There is positive hope of redemption at the time
of His coming, where mortality turns to immortality. There will be redemption
of the body taking place.
The analogy
of the fig tree is a sign that the return of Jesus is at hand. There is also
reality to which the fig tree analogy of the second coming is pointed to. Jesus emphasises the permanence, certainty
and truth of His words.
You remember the story of
Noah. A lot of people laugh and scoff at it, but archaeologists say there is
plenty of evidence that a flood did
exist at one time over a certain portion of the world, the portion that Noah
lived in. In addition, archaeologists
found an ark in Africa.
tried to warn his fellowmen of coming judgement, but there was a sceptical
unbelieving and casual unconcern. The
more Noah preached the more they laughed at him. God said man was too evil, so
He was going to make it rain for forty days and destroy the earth. But God saw Noah was a good man of moral
integrity who worshipped God faithfully.
told Noah how to build a ship, and when Noah did so everybody laughed at this
crazy guy building a ship out in the desert.
Today you would have television crews from around the world taking
pictures. But then the rains came and
how they must have wished they had listened to Noah.
The Telegraph and Mail newspapers often
feature religious articles on their websites, and a lot of comments are made in
response which are quite vitriolic; not just disagreement, but open hatred of
religion. People do not like to hear
their way of living is seen to be immoral by others. They want to live their lives without
reference to God or biblical values.
One journalist wrote an article in
response to a speech by an ex-Archbishop of
At the next meeting of the General Synod
of the Church of England, a whole host of members have called for same sex
marriage to be debated, some already calling for it to be approved and calling
for the LGBT lobby to be congratulated.
We are called
to live by the teachings of Jesus, and are warned there will be people who mock
the faith. They will do so in order to
justify the sinful way in which they live.
People turning away from the faith, vitriolic
attacks from atheists in the press, evil and wickedness in all the violence we
see, and politicians are telling us the
greatest threat in the world is climate change. An Archbishop actually stated the
climate change issue was more important than the Nazi regime, offending Jews who
lost six million In Nazi gas chambers.
In addition, to all such events we have false
teaching in the Church to placate the politically correct establishment.
No one appears shocked any more at any
behaviour as we see gay marriage legalised and people wanting the Church to
practise, with few having any strong objection. Indeed, there are those within
the Church who actively support the concept.
There are Bishops actively calling
for same sex marriages to be allowed in Churches, and an American bishop in
such a union was appointed in one diocese.
are called to live by the teachings of Jesus, and are warned there will be people
who mock the faith. They will do so in
order to justify the sinful way in which they live.
People also scoff at any talk of Jesus
returning or the suggestion of judgement, stating God will not intervene and
asking why He hasn’t done so. They
forget that one day to us is like a thousand years to God, who is giving time
for more people to be saved.
They forget too, if they ever knew, that
God did once destroy the earth and is saving up fire for when judgement
comes. This will be without warning,
leaving no place or time for hiding. The
Bible calls for Christians to live pure and holy lives to avoid punishment that
awaits the ungodly .
When we turn to the gospel we find Jesus had been talking to His Apostles
on the
the years since Jesus spoke these words, each generation has sought to apply
them to their time, but I put it to you that no generation can claim more relevance
to them than this generation.
have wars going on perpetually in Africa; there have been wars in Afghanistan,
Iraq, Iran promising to wipe Israel from the face of the earth---- famines of unprecedented
scale. Super powers are massing arms
and fearful weaponry. China, Russia,
America are considering future action and partnerships and we have a virus circulating
the world.
the United States, the virtual leader of the free world. There is a President
who appears to be in a world of his own, and the sooner he is replaced the
safer we will all be relieved. We have a Prime Minister who is losing the
confidence of the population day by day.
Europe has a man who imagines he is a replica of Napoleon, unfortunately
not with the same ability. What a collection!
A situation of utmost
gravity exists in the Middle East where Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map,
and world leaders seem to be deluded into thinking they can trust Iran, whereas
Israel is more ready to face reality. They in turn are ready to attack Iran , and bearing in mind that the Bible
prophesises the world will end in Jerusalem ,
we should all be concerned. The Bible
states God will protect His ancient chosen people.
are being persecuted in Islamic countries, with Churches being burned down, and
barbaric action taken against them.
We see famines in Africa , earthquakes and typhoons of unprecedented
strength, with one island which rarely has rain having had large parts
destroyed by storms.
such worldwide uncertainty, the main Churches are more concerned with following
the agenda of the homosexuality lobby rather than the purpose God created them
False teaching aplenty is given in our Churches, to justify and make
acceptable modern moral behaviour. Christians are being forced out of Middle
Eastern lands, where arson and murder reign against them, and they are treated
barbarically. Jesus says all these kinds of things will happen in the last
days, that are before His return.
This is how it will be before Jesus
returns to an unbelieving world which will be living as they choose. People laugh at this story and at today’s
gospel; they call it a myth and fairy tale, but they will find out one day.
Jesus returns, just as the flood brought sudden judgement, His return will do the
same. People will be caught unawares, as
they will be unprepared through rejecting Christian teaching. The world will be separated even between
families and friends as Jesus taught.
The Bible is clear – there was a beginning and there will be an end, when
Christ comes again.
Jesus stated two people will be
together, one will be taken to be with Him, the other will be left. A person who has accepted Jesus, who died on
the Cross as their Saviour, will be safe on Judgement day. A person who has not will be left behind.
There will be no chance to make a decision then, we have to be ready beforehand
and decide we want to accept Him now.
The Bible states, ‘now is the day of salvation.’ God has given everybody
a chance to decide and choose. These are Jesus’ words, not mine.
This is a very serious truth to consider,
for the Bible teaches that the consequences are drastic, some will be saved for
eternal life and the rest will be lost.
However much we might like to conclude there is a different ending, the
Bible leaves us with no doubt.
We are expected to spread the gospel message, particularly to our
families and friends, for we will never have warning. The Bible states now is the time of God’s
favour, now is the day of salvation
is a grossly mistaken notion, that as long as one is honest and a nice person
one is assured of heaven. That is not
what the Bible teaches. Many people who
are atheists are honest, and nice people.
There has to be a personal commitment to Jesus. The Bible states, ‘salvation is found in no
one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must
be saved’. Jesus said, ‘no one comes to
the Father except through me’. The Church
has not always given sound teaching on this; indeed there are those who do not
accept those words.
You see the Bible is all about commitment. We are reminded of the superficiality of commitment in our own time. Less than 10% of people think God worthy of one hour per week to visit a Church. Yet if you were to ask people their religion, the vast majority would reply C of E and seriously consider they were Christians. They would be mortally offended if you suggested otherwise. Very few people seem it necessary to think of Jesus, even less to do anything about it.
Lastly, we see how certain it is that our Lord’s words will. be fulfilled.
Jesus peaks as if He saw the unbelief and weakness of people, and knew they would
shrug off His words, and say the world will go on as it always has.