Thursday, 6 February 2025


1 Corinthians 15 v 1-11

 This morning we enter the season of Lent, preparing to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from the dead. By believing and accepting this great event, you too may be released from the fear of death. But there’s a question you must answer. “Do you really believe this?”  The devil believes in God, and many people who never go near a Church do so, they just don’t want him to interfere in their life, but hypocritically expect to be accepted by him when they die.

In this passage Paul wants to establish the historical reliability of the resurrection in order to give a firm foundation for his teaching. He is reminding the Church it was he who brought the good news, and which was not invented but given to him by the Lord.

The gospel always comes to us from someone who already possesses it, it was never an invention nor did anyone discover it for themselves, it was given by Jesus to the Apostles who took it across the world  The Church has the task of delivering that gospel anew.

Paul reminds them it was he who told them the  gospel of first, and they were ready to receive and accept it, and if they truly believed what he taught they would earn salvation.

 Paul stated they stood in the gospel; the function of the gospel is to give stability and power in a world so hostile to the faith. It was something in which they were being saved, and the glory of salvation is that gets better, and one of the wonders of Christianity is that it is limitless.

The essential basis of Christianity is that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for the forgiveness of sins of all people; that he was buried, but God raised him from the Dead as had been prophesied in the Old Testament Scriptures.

Having come to faith, it has to be guarded for there are so many temptations pushed by those opposed; life has its valleys, from which at times it seems hard to climb out of.  This means we cannot be casual; the faith ,that collapses has not been true faith.

Paul tells how it was Peter and John who were the first men to see Jesus after his resurrection, but there were many others in the following days, someone of those were still alive to testify to what they had seen.

 The passage also shows us the humility of Paul himself.  The most precious thing, was that Jesus had appeared to him, which turned his life right round and gave it a new meaning and purpose.  He attributed all the success of his ministry to God, and never claimed any merit for himself.  He realised how much he meant in the cause of mission, but never saw himself as a lone missionary, but shared the gospel proclamation with the other Apostles.

We now have to look at how this applies to us in our present Christian journey.

How important is it to believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus?  For quite a lot of people it is an immense barrier to overcome; Christianity is fine for being kind, meek and mild and providing nice backgrounds for wedding and baptism pictures, but why bring in religion.  Why not just see it as a nice story instead of intimidating and upsetting people?

This chapter will not be fully explained in some Churches today as there will be a problem, namely that there are clergy who do not believe in the physical resurrection. This causes them to be hypocrites, and in fact to lie.

In every service, the Apostles Ceed is said, and most probably led by the Minister; which states, I believe in……………………. he descended to the dead and on the third day rose again.

A man who had challenged the resurrection in unpleasant terms was some years ago, being consecrated into his Office as a Bishop in York Minster. Later the same night, a bolt of lightning struck and blew out the rose window of the Cathedral.  When this was suggested to be God venting His anger, that was mocked and ridiculed by the liberal establishment, yet there was no such experience in any other part of the city; why the Cathedral. People have yet to learn you do not mock God.

People will say about a passage you can’t expect me to believe that, it is now 2025.  Yet they will believe many things even harder to understand. They will use a pocket phone to contact someone any place on earth just by pressing buttons on the phone, and the uninterrupted words will cross thousands of miles within seconds.  They certainly wouldn’t be able to explain how that happens, but accept it.

The New Testament was written by men of honesty and intelligence who had seen Christ crucified, dead and buried, finished, gone.  To them the future was dark and uncertain without any indication he was coming back.  If they preached they were risking their lives, placing themselves in jeopardy of being stoned or killed.

When told by the women that the tomb was empty, they dismissed it only to find out for themselves it was true, they saw the linen cloths there folded where the body had laid.  So the body had gone and they knew not where.

There have been several explanations suggested, none of which have any credibility.  The Apostles knew they faced death if it was found they had intervened, but they did not have anywhere to take it. 

The |Jewish authorities would not have been involved; they had a guard placed there and a heavy stone to keep the body in.  They, having denied the resurrection so would have been glad to have Jesus’ body to devalue him by exhibiting the body.

 Another suggestion was that grave robbers took it, but they would not have left the cloths and valuable precious spices untouched for they would have been worth a lot of money.

An even more popular thought was, that Jesus just play acted and swooned to be revived and do a Houdini act.   Jesus would not have been in any physical condition to do anything; he wasn’t even able to finish his walk to the place of execution, and had to have help from an onlooker having been lashed 39 times with a metal studded belt.  Would such a sinless, honest, man do such a thing; of course not?

In addition to all these theories, Jesus was seen by over 500 people after the crucifixion in various places. In our time, eminent lawyers have commented that it is the most well proven case in history, and any Court would conclude Jesus had risen.

Most people believe in the eternal, and desperately want to know what lies on the other side of death. The answer is quite simple. If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, what lies on the other side is resurrection and life. If you have not accepted him, you have no hope at all. 

The Church generally has not preached this with the vigour it deserved; we have service liturgy which assures everyone the deceased will go to heaven, which is unequivocally dismissed in the Bible.  If people choose to live life without God and Jesus, that is their choice, but when they do so they have nothing left but vain speculations and idle dreams.  How sad it must be to come to the end of life and to believe that after death this is nothing at all.

 Paul’s argument is that it is foolish to follow Christianity, if you reject the resurrection from the dead. If there is no hope for the future, what purpose is there in setting aside the worldly pleasures to endure the isolation and scorn of being a Christian?. We may just as well sell of our buildings and do what the rest of the world does on a Sunday.

When you receive Communion this Sunday you are part of a tradition, which has been passed down from that Upper Room.  Many people have tried, and are now trying harder than ever, to take Christianity out of public life, but while empires have come and gone, the Christian Church has survived, and millions and millions of people have found their lives enriched by their faith, and the words of Jesus are still relevant, ‘the gates of hell will not prevail against it’.    There may be resistance in this and other Western nations, but in Africa, China and beyond there is massive turning to the Lord Jesus.   Continue to pray that this nation may once again become a truly Christian nation.   

We praise God’s Holy Name and pray He be  Glorified                                                                                                               


Monday, 3 February 2025


2 Chronicles 7 v 14

I recently read a book written by a Pastor in the United States. The writer was a respected Bible based preacher, calling on the American Church, to resist the constant interference from people anxious to silence the Church.  He contrasts this with the German Church in the 1930s, when a large number of the eighteen thousand Pastors remained silent and did not protest at the manner of the German authorities.

Whilst the German lack of action was perhaps more understandable in the age of the Nazi regime, the comparison with the Church of today does have a message of warning           for there are activists who want to silence the Church now.  They can be quite vicious and expect to be successful in resisting religious teaching.

I have been impressed by the number of Churches in America that are thoroughly committed to expository preaching.  I am not qualified to comment further, but certainly in Britain there are those people who search online for what they can complain about as hate speech, and people have suffered suspension from work and taken to courts of law.

We face more problems now as we have replaced a Conservative government with a Labour one, who are not particularly fond of religion.  A new Schools Bill has been made and it does not want  parents to teach Christian beliefs in contrast to the Bill.  A tax has been added to private and Church schools as a means of restricting admissions of pupils.  There is as might be expected from a Socialist authority, a certain amount of forced State control.

The Church has a duty to speak out as forcefully as the opposition, and Christianity must not be the only faith silenced.  I have no doubt other faiths will join with us if they are restricted.   The Church leadership has so far been too ready to accommodate the action of activists, but if we do nothing, our place in society will suffer greatly.

The Church has adopted a variety of means to continue worshipping services , using in many cases technology, which reached people who appreciated hearing that of which they had not previously heard, or missed through illness.
It is therefore of paramount importance, to present a united message based on the teaching of the Apostles, as passed down by our Lord Himself, and for God’s sake (literally) stop all the liberal nonsense that has poisoned the true gospel.
We have seen the vicious evil in the world,  the situation gets worse as time goes on. The nation 
has been recovering from an attack, when a boy of seventeen years killed three young girls in the seven years of age by stabbing them repeatedly. Teenage boys are roaming the country, settingespecially in the capital city of London, but also  

 elsewhere , other boys or girls who are going about quietly, and stabbing them without reason.

Murder was once a most serious crime which made headlines across the country until a killer was arrested.  Now it is so common a crime, it is a brief notice in a newspaper and then forgotten.

.In every part of the world there is little peace, goodness or Christian teaching. The Church in the main denominations just gets further away from God and His teaching. The cause of such depreciation, is partly a falling away from religion; partly ageing and illness, and the failure of Churches to preach truth and sound doctrine.

The Bible states, that we as Christians ae ambassadors for God; ambassadors represent their King in a foreign country, and those in the Kingdom of God represent God and the Lord Jesus Christ, and all they teach in too-day’s world.  This means we must reject all teaching, doctrine and  acts of government which contradict the Word of God.  


Turn with me to 2 Chronicles Chapter 7, verse 14.
if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Here is a God given chance for there to be a renewal where the lost will be found, and the weak would be made strong. Here is God promising us He will respond, if we will answer and fulfil His invitation. This is such a profound offer we cannot afford not to accept.
 In 960BC Israel was in moral and spiritual decline, with people failing to worship God. Solomon pleaded with God to forgive the nation of their sins, and God answered that if they humbled themselves, prayed, sought His face, and turned from their wicked ways, He would heal their land.
We are faced with a like situation as Solomon then faced, but when he prayed to God he was given an answer, which is still as valid to- day, as it was all those years ago.

All around us storm clouds are falling on a world, so different from what many of us knew. The foundations on which we were raised have largely been destroyed, to such an extent that there are now no moral absolutes, all is relative and one does one’s own thing. Our children of tender years, are being brainwashed into ways of life, which would never have been mentioned, even in the most liberal places.
What hope does the Bible give us? Listen to God.

This verse is directed to particular people, limited to those who know the Lord. God’s people are those who worship Him, who He has called to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, who profess Christ, and own up to doing so. They are people who regularly attend Church to worship Him week by week, not those who have a nodding acquaintance with Him at Christmas time, or who never acknowledge him at all Remember, Jesus said ‘I am the only way to God, NO one comes to the Father except through me’
In all our Churches in this country, there are people who devotedly come week by week to join in worship. They will try to live according to the way God has spelled out. The majority of them will have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior.
However, in the minds of most people, you have no need to prove anything about yourself, God would never send anyone to hell, the only alternative to heaven, and that is right, God never would consign anyone to hell, He lets the person make the choice for him(her)self here on earth. Jesus said to unworthy people, ‘get away from me I never knew you. get away from me you who broke God’s laws’


Both individually and as a Church, there is need for repentance. There are far too many people who consider themselves as being Christians, attending Churches on Sundays where they sing praise to God, listen to His Word being read, and often preached upon, (but not always) and confessing sins they have pre-determined they are not going to relinquish.
A person is (relatively) free to live as they wish in a free country, they can excess in alcohol, gaming and sexual relationships, but they do not have the same right to call themselves  Christians. Sin can be defined, as any activity which has been condemned in Scripture; this relates not only to sexual activity, but to theft, adultery, jealousy, envy, malice, hatred, and deceit by telling lies.

Jesus told us to pray without ceasing, and gave examples of desperate prayer. In one story a family had gone to bed, when they were disturbed by a neighbour pounding on their door. The homeowner looked out, and was asked for some bread by the neighbour to feed his guest. The homeowner refused, but the neighbour kept on knocking until the homeowner gave what he wanted. The moral of the story was perseverance, it was desperation which won the day. Jesus said, ‘keep on asking and you will receive. Keep on seeking and you will find, keep on knocking and the door will be opened up to you.’ If we want revival we must pray in desperation.

You may well ask, ‘how can we a small suburban church with not a huge congregation, many of whom are perhaps older in years, do very much?’ Hudson Taylor, who founded the China Inland Mission, was once asked why God had chosen him. Taylor replied, `because God wanted someone small.' When God acts it is not only in big cathedrals, it is in the lives of ordinary Christian people. Consider who God chose to be the mother of His Son, a humble young Jewish village girl, now treasured in the history of the Church, and adored in honor of motherhood.

We need all of us to have a passion for revival, and we are poor Christians if we don't feel a concern for the future of the Church. We must forget ourselves and our own desires for the sake of the Lord's Church. If we really believe Christianity is the only hope and answer for a fallen world, then let us earnestly pray and work for revival and make sure we, are living as God intended. Revival begins with Gods people, but the power of God is so strong it soon spreads to all society.
God acted when a Minister went to the small island of Lewis in the Hebrides, and the people there prayed that God would bless them. Evan Roberts a Minister in South Wales prayed and started the Welsh Revival. There are many examples of answered prayer for revival.

After Jesus had risen from the dead, he told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem, until they were endued with power from on high. Although their lives were in danger, they gathered in that Upper Room and waited patiently for the promise of the Father. Then when the day finally came, they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and were converted to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

An American Christian programme, following the September 11th attack on its country, asked all its listeners to pray for fifteen minutes a day for fifty days for a revival, and to phone in and say where they were from. A coloured pin was then placed on a wall map of the United States at their location. Within days the map was covered as people responded. Most of them were small churches, perhaps even smaller than yours, but they reported new life and new people.
Neither is age a relevance. When the Israelites were attacked by the Amalekites, Moses and Aaron were too old to fight, but as the younger men fought, they prayed, and every time they did so, the Israelites advanced. Older people can play a vital role in revival.


God wants us to enter into a relationship with Him. Not to see Him as someone to go to when we want something, but as sons and daughters who want to respect and love their own father, so respond to God.
The Bible tells us that God communed with the first man and woman. He who made man in the Garden of Eden, communes with us now through His Word, the Bible. Unfortunately, so many people at all levels within the Church want to pick out those parts which suit their preference.

There is a need for examination of our lives to root out those ways which are not worthy of us as Christians. Things which the Bible clearly defines as wrong, yet which are still practised by people who call themselves Christians.
The church as God's voice, has failed greatly by not speaking out in condemnation of such ways, for fear of upsetting the liberal tendency and being branded narrow, often preferring to align itself with society's standards. Can you imagine how little the Christian Church would have progressed if Paul had been so timid? Scripture alone should be our guide
The Church has colluded with activists who wish to see a form of immorality accepted. We have accepted a form of marriage in direct contravention of the Bible; created a second baptism to those calling themselves a different sex; in Church schools children of very tender age, are being taught explicit sexuality, and offered gender change.

The Archbishop of Canterbury has rejected calls to stop the teaching of trans-gendering in school to young children. This is causing distress as children have become frightened by what they are taught and see. Often parents have been unaware of such teaching.
The Archbishop of Canterbury has resigned, having been found to have covered up wilful criminal behavior of a Priest, and another Archbishop is likely to do the same for a similar reason.  We have a Bishop suspending an Ordained Minister of the Church, because she considers he is a safeguarding risk to children because he preaches marriage is between a man and a woman, which is the established belief of the Church.  I know this is insane, especially as a Judge who is a Kings Counsel, stated her safeguarding is in need of correction.
There are rules for life which God has laid down, but too often they become merely a basis for negotiation. If people choose to adopt a different way of life, that is a personal matter between them and God. But the Church should not join in and approve of such. The fellowship of the Holy Spirit cannot be mixed with the culture of society.

The Church of England has been  disqualified from the worldwide Anglican Church because the  Bishops have adopted false doctrine by giving blessings to those who went through a service purporting to be a form of marriage, which is contrary to the Word of God. From the highest levels of clergy to the Parish Priests, there are those wanting to perform same sex marriage in  the Church.

 God clearly stated there were two genders, male and female, and marriage was between a man and a woman.  To contradict the Word of God is a betrayal of His divine nature, and is shameful  to act against vows made in services to Him.

God has promised to respond by healing our land. God loves all people, and wants all to be saved. But He is a righteous God who hates sin, and He will not deal with people who neglect, disobey and do not honor Him. However unpleasant to admit, the Church in this country has acted shamefully, it has disregarded the teaching God laid down in His Word, and which Jesus commanded to be followed. Individually, Christians have not always been worthy of Him. But God has stated He will heal, and whilst people may not be relied on to keep a promise, God will.

In this sermon, I have used the word IF numerous times. This is a very big word. There are churches which would dread any revival, preferring to keep things nice and quiet in a holy huddle. If a stranger should enter they say 'what is she doing here.' Some older people take a philosophical line, and think ‘I won't be here in a number of years.’ So they don't let things concern them.
The same God who visited His people in the first Christian Church, has promised to hear His people and answer from heaven. In parts of the world which has been faithful to him and his holy Word, God has now acted. Let us in the Western hemisphere now be faithful and respect God.

The time has come for all true and faithful Christians to stand firm for the Bible to be our guide in word and action. God will not bless any Church which challenges His authority

May God bless his Holy Word to us.  May God be glorified


Thursday, 30 January 2025


 John’s gospel in Chapter 12,verses 20-33. Turn with me to this passage which John alone tells. 

Jesus had entered Jerusalem for the Passover festival having just raised Lazarus from the dead, and was receiving an enthusiastic welcome from crowds of people gathered for the event. This was the major festival held annually to remember how God saved Israel. This was Jerusalem’s big annual religious festival: we might compare the Passover to our Christmas, when the Churches attract many people who attend not so much from a religious attitude, but see it as a social event.

At such a time as this, many non-Jews would go to the city to join in the celebrations. Some Greeks were amongst the crowds who had heard of Jesus, and were determined to meet Him. They were from a settlement in the North of Galilee, and went to Philip who came from near their area and said to him, ‘Sir, we want to see Jesus’ Philip went to fetch Andrew who took them to Jesus knowing He would never turn anyone away.

Having heard the stories of what Jesus had done, they realised something was missing from their lives and wanted to receive from Him that something. So when they said they wanted to see Jesus, they were in fact seeking a meeting with Him.   These were sincere people, not sightseers anxious to see a celebrity figure; they didn’t want to see the temple or any other prominent figure.

The word ‘see’ here, has the sense of ‘have a meeting with, being able to talk with Him’.  Like so many people today, these Greeks were not content with what they had in their own lives; they must have felt there was something missing. They thought there must be more to life than they had experienced, and were searching for the truth.      

These words, ‘Sir, we want to see Jesus,’ were the words the preacher used in his address when I was ordained.  They are carved on the pulpits of numerous evangelical Churches in both England and the United States, to remind the preacher that his duty is to teach about Jesus Christ; not to entertain, or engage in politics, nor speak about climate change, nor be intimidated by political correctness, remembering he is there to bring people closer to God, and there is no other way people can come to God, except through Jesus Christ.  The Bible states, ‘how can they believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?’ 

I have witnessed slide shows, drama, and guessing games from the pulpit.   I believe such action from the pulpit lowers people’s respect and reverence for the Church, even if they feel amused at the time.

    When Jesus was told of the Greeks’ request, He was pleased and responded immediately. He had not gone to Jerusalem to enter for the same purpose as the crowds had in mind; events were building up and were leading to the time of our Lord’s road to the Cross. So when He heard a group of people were genuinely seeking Him, He said, "The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified.  Jesus said this to show the kind of death he was going to die, and the word ‘glorified’ was a substitute for crucified.

The term Son of man, would have been heard before as it was used in the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament, and was used to mean the world would end.  The Jews dreamed of a golden age, when life would wonderful  and they would be masters of the world.  The Son of man would be the conquering hero, sent by God to lead Israel to world glory.  This made the Jews listen carefully to what Jesus was saying, as they thought the time had come to be victorious.

  When He met those Greeks it was as the first sign that the gospel was to go to all the world, and part of God’s plan to bring salvation to the Gentiles, the symbol of the great harvest for which He came. If He had not died, we probably would not know any more about Him, for He would have just been another figure of history, of no greater significance than any other great religious leader. Because of the cross, He was able to do something He could never have done otherwise.

Jesus was glorified as his hands and feet were nailed to a wooden cross, which was then lifted up causing him to bleed and suffocate to death.    Crucifixion was the most prolonged, painful and horrific form of execution ever invented by man. 

Jesus said this was His greatest hour.  The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified, Jesus who died in the place of His people, taking the punishment, so they could be forgiven.    This is what Christianity is all about. This is the centre of what it means to be a Christian. 

He went on to say "Truly, truly, I say to you." Whenever Jesus used those words, it meant that He was going to say something important. Jesus said, "Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone." He was pointing out that when a seed,  it brought forth fruit. Likening this to man, it was by people dying for the faith, so other people would learn the gospel.

As Christians were martyred for the faith, so the Church grew, and He was here meaning that He was like the grain of wheat, and unless He went to the cross, His whole purpose in coming to earth will have been in vain. He knew what He had to face, and that He is going to be glorified through the sacrifice the cross, because by that cruel death, the way to forgiveness for all believers was made possible. If He had not made the sacrifice on the Cross, you and I and everybody else, could not have forgiveness. His death meant eternal life for all who believed in Him. 

The Jews would not have understood what Jesus meant. For them the Son of Man conveyed an image of someone who would lead to world conquest and so attain glory, but Jesus meant it was time for Him to make the supreme sacrifice for the world by dying on the Cross so bringing glory to Him and to God. 

Jesus said the one loves their life will lose it. He was referring to those who live solely for themselves, and out to get as much as they can without thought for others. Christians generally are called to put service of the Lord first, and indeed there are many men and women who could have followed brilliant careers for rich rewards, but chose to go on mission fields far away from their homeland and work for very little.

We see the humanity of Jesus displayed when He expressed his fear at the thought of the Cross, but was ready to give obedience to God and suffer much pain, which would ultimately lead to triumph. No one wants die at the age of 33 years, and no one wants to die on a Cross. 

God spoke to Jesus in His hour of torment, just as He did at His baptism and when on the Mount of Transfiguration. God is always ready to give strength when we seek it for the tasks we face in His name and cause.   As Jesus sits in the condemned cell contemplating his death, it’s hard.  Just because he knew it was God’s will, didn’t make it easy.    His heart was troubled.   

And if Jesus was that stressed out, why are we surprised when the Christian life seems tough and hard.  Jesus never promised it would be anything else.  We follow a crucified Lord who said:  follow me. 

Then a voice came from heaven, "I have glorified it, and will glorify it again." The crowd that was there heard it, and said it had thundered; others said an angel had spoken to him.   Jesus told them, "This voice was for your benefit, not mine’.  Jesus was meaning this showed the intimate and unbroken union He had with God the Father    

Let us think for a few moments how this relates to us in our time.  Maybe something has happened in your life to make you think things are not as you had hoped.  Perhaps the thought of drawing close to God seems attractive, and you would like to meet with Jesus.  Sometimes people can come to Church for years, and then they hear a word which makes them think there may be something more for them.  

This is why it is so important that all preaching should be based solely on the Bible.  If society doesn’t like what we preach, then that is their loss. But we should not under any circumstances apologize for quoting Scripture, as so shamedly recently happened.

We can never know what is in people’s minds, often more than we would expect.  We see here Jesus being sought by people from a distant land, when there many in his own land who wanted him dead.  I don’t know what was in the minds of the Greeks, but they were really seeking Jesus for honourable purposes, 

If and when, we want to see Jesus, He is ready waiting to meet us in our Bibles; obviously not in the physical sense, but an equally powerful way, and we can meet Him whenever we want to without restriction.   

 God still speaks directly to us to encourage us, and will always respond to the seeker.  If you have loved ones in your family or amongst your friends who are not saved, keep praying for them that they may come and see Jesus.    God is always ready to give strength when we seek it for the tasks we face in His name and cause.
At the cross, Jesus underwent the judgement we deserve, and paid our debt to God. His death gives us hope of everlasting life with Him one day. He wants to give us that hope in our life today. He alone can give you that new life that can never fade, and you can find that new life by meeting Jesus.

People in these high pressure days are so often weary and depressed, and looking for that spiritual something. People are looking for something beyond themselves, looking for a way that gets the most out of life, yet carrying a load of guilt, fear and worry.

So many men and women these days are doing things and behaving in a way that once would never have been thought of, so carrying all sorts of moral problems.  Then they feel guilty and ashamed, become troubled in mind, and turn to drink and/or drugs.  Jesus said, ‘come unto me all you are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.’   

Everyone today has to decide how to respond to Christ. People can be attracted to Christianity by its morals, but won’t commit themselves to Christ Himself.  For many the price is too high, for it would mean giving up some of the world’s standards and ways.  Nor is an emotional attachment to the Church is what our Lord is seeking. 

Our Lord said death was the way to spiritual life and glory.  This was meant to teach the purpose of the Messiah, which was not  like other kings of the world.  He didn’t come to seek a life of honour, ease and magnificence, but to have a painful death on a wooden Cross.  The crown he would wear was one for crucifixion, not coronation. His death would be a source of spiritual life for the world, and like a seed of corn would bring fruit to the praise of God, and redemption for many people.

When he said he who would hate his life would keep it; for those who wanted to be saved, must be ready for salvation.  Those who love their life with all its pleasures, but may lose their souls; those who deny life here to serve Christ, will duly gain life.

Christians know when this life ends, a new life begins.  Without the death of Christ there would be no life for the world, but those who live by the Spirit reap everlasting life.

We learn that those who profess Christ must follow him, just as a soldier follows his Commander, and sheep follow a shepherd, a Christian must be true in following Jesus. Real Christian show faith and obedience.  To serve Christ in name and form is easy, but to follow in faith and life can be too demanding for others.

The Lord offers encouragement when he says, ’where I shall be, so shall my servant be, and God will honour him. When the Father honours us on the last day, we shall find his praise makes up for all we gave and lost.

 A day is coming when we will all see Jesus. The Bible says everyone will assemble before Him as He sits on the judgment throne. Some will go one way with the goats, some the other way with the sheep. We will have either joy in the after-life with Jesus, or eternity with the lost. The criterion is how we respond whilst we are here on earth. The bible says ‘now is the time of God’s favor, now is the time of salvation’. It will be too late after we have died, and no amount of intercession will then save us. 

To see Jesus is to see God’s salvation.


To see Jesus is to see God’s Light and revelation.


To see Jesus is to see God and His way revealed


May we ever be like the Greeks in our passage today and want to see Jesus and seek Him with all our hearts.

May God’s Holy Name be praised and God be glorified.

Monday, 27 January 2025



Luke 2, v.22/40

The story in this passage begins just after the shepherds who had visited the baby Jesus left. It is essentially a Jewish story telling of three ancient Jewish ceremonies, and this relates to emphasise the close relationship we have (or should have) with Israel in the Judeo-Christian tradition.
The mother and father are Jews, so the baby is Jewish. We worship the same God, the God Israel, we have a holy book written by Jews, and worship a Jewish Saviour.
Like every Jewish boy, Jesus was circumcised on his eighth day after a Jewish tradition carried out over thousands of years. This was a sign of a covenant God made with Abraham,+ that every male child must have that operation or be rejected as a Jew, and in return God promised to care for Israel. If Jesus had not had that ceremony he would not have been accepted.
God commanded that the child would be called Jesus, which means Savior, and he would be the One to deliver the world from sin and evil. The fact that he went through the ceremony when he was the Son of God, should encourage us to make sacrifices and readily perform tasks in the service of God.
Jesus being the first-born son, made him sacred to God as every first son was as such. According to Jewish tradition, the parents could buy back their son for five shekels, which had to be paid to the priest within 31 days after birth. This ritual was to remind the Jews of the night when the Israelites were in Egypt, and all the Egyptian first sons were slain, and the Jewish children were spared. It also helps us all to remember God has the right to the first things in our lives.
There followed another ritual, which meant Mary and Joseph going to Jerusalem to fulfil a duty, the rite of purification and the offering of a sacrifice. Until this was done, Mary could not worship in a Synagogue.
When a woman bore a child, she had to wait a period of 40 days if the child was a boy, and 80 days if a girl, before being allowed to join in worship. When she returned, she was obliged to take to the Temple a lamb, or a pair of turtles. If a woman was poor, two pigeons were allowed. The fact that Mary took the poorer offer, suggests the home in which Jesus was brought up in was not a luxurious one. This dispels the belief that religion was not for poor people.
On arrival at the Temple they did not try to buy Jesus back, they just said they gave Jesus to God, who had chosen an ordinary Jewish village girl to be the mother of his Son.
For a period of 450 years in Jewish history, God did not speak to his people. God had promised the prophet Malachi, that he would come into the world by a Messiah, who would bring salvation and judgment, and would be preceded by a messenger who would prepare the way for him. For all those years, people of God waited for the promised Messiah who would destroy God’s enemies, and fulfil their dream and belief of a rightful place in the world as supreme, and this would be seen as a king who would be like David to obtain world supremacy.
We move on to meet two older people. The first is a man named Simeon, who is described as a devout man with the Holy Spirit upon him, but otherwise we know nothing about him. He didn’t have the same kind of guidance as others had, but he had the Holy Spirit in his hear, indicating the powerful anointing and manifest presence of the Holy Spirit. All who have Jesus in their hearts, Jews or Gentiles, will receive the same kind of guidance, which will guide them to Jesus Christ.
Simeon was in the Temple when Mary and Joseph took Jesus there, and he took the child in his arms, and said the words which have been used in every Anglican Church Evening service since its inception, known as the Nunc- Dimmitt us.
Simeon believed things had to be left in the hands of God, who had given him assurance that he would not die before he had seen the Messiah, God’s appointed one. There was therefore excitement in Simeon’s voice when he heard that he would actually see this great coming. He knew that whilst others had waited years, wondering when how and when, he knew then that the promise had come true.
When he saw Jesus, he knew the time had come and was ready to die in peace, and foresaw Jesus to be the light of the world. He prayed from his heart when he saw the little boy. This is faith, the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen by the great names of old like Abraham, Moses, Elijah who all played a part in this story but never lived to see.
The kingdom brought by this baby is not just for Israel, but for the whole world. God was unveiling a plan of salvation for the world without distinction. This will be the true glory of Israel, the nation in and from whom came the Savior and ruler of the world.
Now Simeon is ready to die, and his face changes from gladness to sadness. He tells the parents that Jesus would cause division, as some would accept him but others would reject him, and it has been so and still is.

Whenever Jesus is mentioned people either rise or fall, but many stay the same. Simeone knew a sword would pierce Mary’s heart, for there was a shadow of the Cross, and 33 years later Mary would see her son die on that Cross in a cruel and horrifying death.

We see in Simeon a devoted believer. He gave the world wide Church a song, which has been sung at every Evensong service of the Anglican Church, which shows believers can be delivered from the fear of death. Only strong faith can avoid fear. Which is a gift from God.

We see in this good man, speaking of the baby Jesus as the salvation promised by God.

In an age of early deaths, there came a woman on the scene, a woman of 84, who had been married for only 7 years; her name was Anna, which means grace. She spent much of her time in the Temple worshipping and praying night and day, and when she saw the holy family, at that very moment she gave thanks to God who reveals His secret purposes in history to humble servants who continually live in His presence.  Anna spoke to all about the child, who many were looking forward to be the redemption of Jerusalem.

The world was in darkness, but Jesus would be a light for the world. He would be the One to make many people in Israel to rise again. He and His people, were to be a city on a hill shining on the world.  But Jesus would also be a stumbling block for the self-righteous Jews.

Luke shows us there is a plan for everyone in God’s Kingdom, older people able to wait on the Lord; a young woman having a baby to dedicate to God; a husband going to Church with his wife, (that not seen often) all having a role to play. How wonderful it is when men put aside their macho image and go with their wives to Church.
All Christians should be comforted by the fact God never leaves the world without a witness. Where there is a hard core of believers, God will be with them to support them who are faithful, and grace can flourish even when men and women in the Church, who have been given the privilege of serving God in His Church, become betrayers and traitors to the One they vowed to serve. We witness them instituting, endorsing and accepting false doctrine and trying to force it on those in their charge.
The words of Simeon in which he saw the light of Jesus, will one day shine bright on our nation if those who love the Lord work and pray. Christ has spoken and had many darts aimed at him; he has been despised and rejected, but has proved to be the Savior of many who at one time forsook him.
Simeon and Anna were aged saints who kept the faith and run the course. Will we be able to say the same; can we say Lord dismiss our servant in peace for my eyes have seen your salvation? Is there any doubt, scepticism, or are you truly godly in believing and trusting?

The passage closes telling that Jesus grew and became strong, filled with wisdom the favour of God.  He experienced physical and intellectual growth as any child would, but He also experienced the favor, of God in an unusual  and increasing way.

Let us thank God for giving us Jesus, And may God be glorified

Wednesday, 22 January 2025


JOHN 8 v 12-30


The Pharisees continue to dispute with Jesus when he claims to be the light of the world, but the Jewish leaders would not accept his claim. Jesus said they were judging him by the flesh, which means by human standards.

The scene of the argument was in the Temple Treasury. This was situated in the Court of Women, so named as women could not proceed further than that, unless they were offering a sacrifice at the altar of the priests. Around the Court was a colonnade or porch, where chests for offerings were placed.

In this passage, Jesus made his claim in a vivid impressive setting. The Feast of Tabernacles was being held, and a ceremony called the Illumination  of the Temple. There were four great candelabra, and when the dark came they were lit up, and ablaze of light shone around Jerusalem, and all the courtyards of the city.  They were lit until dawn, and all kinds of men danced before the Lord, and sang psalms of praise to God whilst people watched.

Jesus was saying you have seen the blaze of light piercing the darkness, I am the light of the world for those who follow me.  There will  be light for only one night , but followers of me will be for life.  The light in the Temple in the end dies, I am then the light that goes on forever.

The phrase light of life, means two things, the light which gives life; Jesus is the very light of God.  Jesus was talking about following him, which means to be a follower who gives body and soul, and one’s spirit to the obedience of the Master. When we walk alone, we are likely to fall or go the wrong way, we need heavenly guidance to walk the right way.

When Jesus made his claim to be the light of the world, the Jewish leaders  reacted with hostility. To them it would be a claim only God. could make.  The Rabbis declared the name of the Messiah is light.

Jesus deals with his right to judge. His coming into the world was for judgment.  His claim was for love, for God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, and all who believe  in him, would have eternal life.

Jesus told the Jewish leaders bluntly, they had no real knowledge of God.  The fact that they did not recognize him for who he was, and what he was, was the proof they did not really know God.  The whole history of Israel was so made they should have recognized the Son of God.

Jesus was told his opponents he was going away, and after he had gone they would realize what they had missed, and will search but not find him.  this is a reminder for us. For everyone there is an opportunity to decide to accept Christ into their life, but the time is limited, and know not when their limit will end.  There is good reason to decide now Just as there is opportunity there is also judgment.

When Jesus spoke about going away, he was talking of his return to his Father and glory, and he could not be followed.  The Jews thought he might mean he would kill himself. Jesus said if they refused him, they would die in their sins.

The one who refuses to accept him as Lord and Savior will die with life frustrated, and life incomplete.  Sin separates us from God,  To refuse Christ, is a stranger to God, to accept him is to be a friend to God.

Jesus went on to draw contrasts.  His opponents belong to earth, he is from heaven. They are of this world, he is not. The world is the opposite of heaven. He came  from heaven

to save this world, he was sent by God.  The world is God’s creation, it was through God’s Word that the world as made. However bad the world is, God would never abandon the world.

But when the creator came into the world, the world did not recognize him,  the world does not know the spirit of  God, and there is hostility to God.  The world is separate from God, yet between God and the world. there is no gulf that cannot be spanned.?

God so loved the world, that He sent His Son into the world.  God would never abandon the world it is His love and the recipient of His greatest gift. But, at the same time there is something wrong with it, there is a blindness, for when the creator of the world came into it, the world did not recognize Him.

The world cannot receive the spirit of truth. There is a terrific blindness which does not recognize God or Jesus, the world is hostile, and the followers of Jesus can only expect trouble.

There is only one conclusion, the world is not what it was meant to be; something went wrong and that was sin. Sin is that which separates God from the world; it blinds the world from God.  Jesus came with a cure; he brings forgiveness. He brings grace and strength for one to live as God meant it to be, but a cure can be ignored.

A doctor may prescribe a cure for a patient to cure some disease, or some operation to restore the patient back to good health and strength.  He could point out that any failure to respect the prescription could lead to death.  This what Jesus was saying; if you don’t believe I am what I say I am, you will die in your sins.  If we do not accept the cure Jesus gave, we die.

Anyone can see the world is evil and there is a loss of peace. The world needs to recognize Jesus as a cure, only disobedience to His wisdom and he acceptance of Him as Savior and Lord can individual souls be cured.

The opponents of Jesus demanded to know who Jesus was, and Jesus replied. ‘I am the One I claimed to be.  I have much to say to you, and much to condemn, but I will not. For I will only say what I gave been told to say from the One who sent me, and He is completely truthful. I always do things that please Him.

The passage closes affirming not only the lack of sin and the avoidance of sin, but that Jesus is doing things which are pleasing to God.


May God’s Holy Name be praised and He be glorified.

Monday, 20 January 2025


I have taken the subject of loneliness, which causes a kind of mental illness and other problems, and a great deal of unhappiness with breakdown, with medication becoming necessary.
Loneliness happens in varying degrees, much depending on why one is lonely. A temporary absence of friends, illness, fear of going out. In recent times, loneliness has become very prevalent, with the pandemic forcing many people, especially the older age groups, to remain in their homes for months to avoid catching the virus. I know the medical profession has had to deal with a rising number of people incurring mental disturbance because of living alone.

It was never God’s intention for people to have to face loneliness. The Bible. has shown how important it is for people to be with another; separations and being out of touch with people was to be avoided.

In the creation story, God said after creating man, that it was not good for man to be alone, so he created woman to be his companion, so making the perfect partnership.
In Hebrews, the writer called for Christians to be with each other, and the well-known saying became well known, ‘no man is an island’. Dwight L Moody, a famous American preacher, encouraging a young man to be with other Christians, used an illustration of a piece of coal falling from a fire and dropping on a stone plate, where it stopped burning. People can burn out if left for long period.

A most regular cause, is after the loss of a wife or husband, when you are left in isolation, with a feeling of solitary confinement, where every minute seems like an hour. When two people commit their lives to each other at a young age, and live with dependence on each other for many years, the loss cannot fully be described. Only by experience can the hurt be understood.

We all know life has to end, but no one can anticipate the profound feeling and effect on the remaining partner.   It has been so often said, the grief will pass with time, memories and friends will help. This is nonsense; memories may bring some relief, but they can also emphasise the loss, and from experience over many years, I have found friends have a habit of disappearing.

No words can adequately describe what it is like, half of one’s own life goes too; the loss of any family members can be greatly felt, but none I believe can equate with the loss of a wife or husband if the initial love is still existing.

I have found from experience that men over  large, take the loss of a wife far greater than women do at the loss of a husband. This does not mean in any way that do not grieve, of course they do, but I am speaking from what I have noticed and felt over the years.  I feel enormous sympathy with women being the survivor of a marriage, for men can despite the grief cope financially perhaps than women.  In either case, the loss is devastating.

We all suffer, but as an example of real loss and suffering, is the story of a man named Joseph Scriven. He was a son of a family in Dublin, a University graduate, who at the age of 25 fell in love and was engaged to be married.  On the night before the marriage, his fiancée fell in a lake and was drowned.  He subsequently moved to live in Canada.

Ten years later, his mother became very ill in Ireland, so despite the expensive cost, went to see her before she died.  He devotedly  wrote that magnificent hymn, ‘what a friend we have in Jesus’,  I would expect all Christians to know the hymn. Which tells in Jesus we have a friend who is always ready to share our grief, and we have the privilege of carrying all are burdens to God in prayer.

On returning to Canada, he fell in love again and intended to marry, but shortly before the wedding, his fiancée fell ill with pneumonia and died.

Here was a man who really knew suffering. He was a real Christian who turned to a loving God, and spent the rest of his life helping people who were hurt in life and gave manual help in repairing damaged furniture.

I cannot imagine the feeling of divorcees, when the separation involves a breaking of vows, and you know the other partner is alive, but you are deprived of their presence. There must surely be feelings of betrayal and desertion, and in such cases women are the more likely to feel the effect in middle class families. The words of Henry Ford, the motor magnate, are so wise. Asked how he managed to have such a long and happy marriage, he is quoted as saying, like with a car, keep the same model.

Yet again, men are more prone to wander away, and even in equally faulty circumstances, the wife is left to fend on her own with reduced finance, sense of betrayal, and coping with the children.

Young people becoming University students, and leaving the protection and comfort of living with a family to go and live alone, problems arise when sometimes dubious circumstances arise in a city, distant from their own. I have seen my own children and grandchildren having to live in student accommodation, which was so different from home. In one case, the accommodation was deplorable, made worse perhaps by the fact that some young people are not use to cleanliness and hygiene, and if prisoners were housed in public prisons of similar type, there would be an outcry.
Problems arise, when in desperation of loneliness and new environment, they are vulnerable to the vultures tempting them with drugs, alcohol, and unfitting sexual contacts.

Whatever the cause of loneliness, Christians can get encouragement from knowing they can call on God who stated, ‘I will never leave nor forsake you’. He promised would not leave anyone who called on him, because of the death of Jesus on the Cross, who in that loneliness died to gain forgiveness for us, and so made us righteous in God’s sight to give us salvation.

Jesus stated, ‘come to me all ye who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.’
Remember too, the long list of people in the Bible from Abraham, the prophets, David the king of Israel, to Paul who spent time of loneliness in a Roman prison, which he eloquently expressed in his very last Letter to Timothy before being executed; to Peter and other Apostles.

Most of all to Jesus, who stood alone on the Cross for you and me, even calling out to God as he faced the walk to the Cross, but was ready to obey God and continued to do what God had planned.

There are numerous things you can do to ease feelings of distress in your loneliness. You can keep a loving photo of that lost wife or husband, and think what you would say if he/she was there. Keep a chair or a favourite possession nearby, and think of all the happy times. People will tell you things will get better as time goes on, but don’t believe that, it gets worse as the time apart lengthens,

I spent t a life-time dealing with people, and facing reality, the words fidelity, loyalty, trust, love, and tolerance, I know to a great extent, a very great extent, lost their traditional meaning. What makes it worse, is that people are not feeling any guilt.
True love will not fade, but you need to get involved in some activity. Visit your local Church where you will make friends. You can always ask God to help you.

I close with something uplifting. The Bible tells that for when husband and wife are true Christians, (the essential word is true,) and not just those who give an occasional thought, leave this earthly life, God has promised that for you, a day will come when you will be lifted into heaven, and see that precious wife/husband, you have missed so much, and resume the love you always had.

We give thanks to God for His care for us and those we love.

May God be glorified