Friday 28 April 2023

ACTS 2 v 42/47

A programme on television which talked about the ‘exodus from the Church’.  Comment was made that the Roman Catholic Church had lost half of its membership because of the priests’ scandals, and was still falling, and Churches right across Europe were losing thousands of people.  People were said to have little belief in God, and there was no place in their lives for the Church.  In other words. it was a typical piece of biased reporting which we can expect. Television presenters rarely, if ever, tell favourable stories about the Church.


It is true of course, that many people have left the Roman Church, but it could have pointed out many thousands still attend, and there is no other man or woman on the planet who can attract such crowds as the Pope.

Despite what people may have enjoy in mocking the Church, the previous two Popes were fine evangelists, especially Pope Benedict.


People are also falling away from all Churches, and one can understand in many cases why this is so.  But let us be fair, there are many Churches which are full of people.  Near my home, a Church has had to include an extra service on Sundays, because they could not accommodate the numbers attending. This inevitably suggests that in some Churches something is being done which is not in others.  


These are dark days for the Church in this country.  We live in a post-Christian age, an age where there is no common Christian consensus.   At one time there was a more common understanding of Christian teaching. Today, there is a condition that might be described as rank ignorance.

We live in a society which largely rejects God, and regards Church and Christianity as totally irrelevant to their lives.  The world sees the Church standing for values it no longer considers acceptable.


So let us look at the model of a Christian Church, as seen in Scripture in that first Christian Church, which was able without any of the technological aids we have, to attract so many followers, and see how it differs from the Church of the present time, and see also if we can learn from that Church, how to make our message more acceptable in a hostile climate.

Turn with me to Acts Chapter 2 and verses 42/47, the Epistle for  this coming Sunday


First it was a Bible based Church. 

They were devoted to the Apostles teaching, it captivated them.  Those early Christians listened to the Apostles, who in turn had been taught by our Lord.  They heard all that the Lord had given and laid down, as the faith should be lived out.  It was about Jesus, who He was, what He had to do, how to obey Him; about His second coming  to judge the world.  In other words, the whole Christian faith. 

Notice when it says ‘devoted’ themselves, this means they were committed, no half- heartedness. The wonderful thing is that we too can follow that same Apostolic teaching, it is written down for us in the New Testament, and it is God’s way of providing for His people to be trained. 


They met for fellowship.

Secondly they were devoted to each other in this church,
or, as verse 42 puts it, they were devoted to the fellowship.  They knew that when they committed themselves to Jesus, they also committed themselves to Jesus’ people. 
We share a relationship to God and to each other, based on a common spiritual life. God put us with a variety of people we may not ordinarily like, but God expects us to grow together.   We are to care for one another, and when others need encouragement and support, we are to give it. 

     This is why we need to come, to hear and learn the Bible from readings and sermons; praying together for our needs and the world’s; praising God as we sing together; sharing the bread and wine in Holy Communion as we remember what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. 


Thirdly, they were a committed Church. 

They met regularly.  There are those for whom the Church is a second choice.  There are times in all our lives when personal situations arise which call for our attention, but for some Church will take second place in their list of priorities, something which Jesus Himself condemned.         

The church is not optional. Jesus established the church. He did not merely establish individual Christian living, he established corporate faith.

The New Testament assumes that people who are believers, are connected to a local church where they live out that faith. Individual and independent Christianity is nowhere to be found on the pages of Scripture. So the church is not man’s invention, but God’s. Because Christ instituted the church, we should know what it is and how we should function in it.

It can be so easy to go with the flow and give up, which is why the Bible urges Christians to be together. Each year hundreds of people give up worship.  There many reasons, pressures of the world, ridicule from friends; family trouble; a bad experience at a church, all of which are expressly good reasons for going to church.


Then in verse 47. “The Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” They were an evangelising Church.

Having seen how that early Church responded under apostolic teaching, we need to consider how the Church now in this critical time responds with its teaching of the Scriptures.

It is a matter of concern that some preachers are ready to stray from Biblical teaching, and consider we should re-interpret the Bible to meet modern ideas of morality.  This suggests that God has got it wrong, and He should be prepared to adjust to the age.  They are spreading a false gospel and send out a wrong message. God set out in Scripture in clear terms, what is expected of us, and all should be proclaiming the same message.    

For years, first the Labour party, and then the Conservatives, spent years in the political wilderness, because they sent out mixed messages, and no one knew for certain what they really stood for.  The Church by not adhering to Scripture is doing the same, leaving people confused as to what we really believe and offer.   

There is a reluctance by clergy to speak out for fear of being labelled as a bigot, or being discriminatory.   

It is  true to say Christian preachers tend to modify teaching of traditional values to appeal to contemporary thinking, and for fear of offending one of the many discrimination laws promoted equally vigorously by vociferous minorities, so falling foul of the law, which is not enforced against other faiths with the same enthusiasm as against Christian preachers.

All this causes a problem for parish priests, and especially for visiting preachers.  We face a problem, and none more so than those of us who want to be true to Scripture, when not everyone is prepared to accept what is written.  I heard one Vicar preach that she didn’t think the Bible should be taken too literally.  Have you ever heard a Muslim cleric deny or challenge any words in the Koran? Is it any wonder people fail to respond?

It is hard to quote the Bible without someone saying ‘Oh you shouldn’t say that.’  The Bible states, ‘salvation is found in no other name under heaven except Jesus Christ’. 


The Bible states’ Jesus said no one can come to the Father except through me’, yet many preachers are dodging quoting this.  If we avoid telling these verses how are people ever to come to know the gospel.

This tells us our faith is not like other faiths which someone has made up, but rather comes from God.  Furthermore, it was given with the understanding that nothing needs to be added, amended or subtracted from.  Anyone who does so is a false teacher.   God will not ignore false teaching, and will pass judgement on such people


Whilst I have always admired Charles Wesley, I have recently had to study the life of Charles extensively, in order to conduct a service in his honour, and that admiration has grown.  If he were alive today he would have much to say at the way the Church has failed to proclaim the message he left, that salvation was through Christ alone, the value of a person’s life was measured by their faith, and the doctrine of heaven and hell. How often have you heard a sermon on those subjects?  He would also be astounded to find the Apostates, in the Church he and his brother founded, and had agreed to violate Scripture by performing same sex marriage.


Today, no less than in any other age, it is intense biblical integrity that is needed. Fearless courage and conviction, to stand for the truth --that Jesus Christ is the only name that saves.


In effect there are three options open to preachers. One is to avoid all contentious issues.  2 To go with the flow.  3 To be true to the teaching of the Bible.


We all want to please and satisfy our audience, I can’t imagine anyone wanting to cause offence.  But if preachers are to be true to their calling, and preach with integrity and honour, there are times when I suppose some people may be upset. If, sadly, that happens, there must be doubt in the mind about the way they are living. 


We now have, for instance, changed our outlook on morals and ethics to adopt that of society. We have gone along with the incredulous acceptance that marriage, (that is between man and woman) is no longer the bedrock of society, but is no more acceptable than any other relationships. 


If ever the Word of God was needed it is never more so than now.  It calls for people to turn back to God, who is ready to and able to meet the needs of everyone.


The message we have for the world is centred upon the person of Jesus Christ and provides for a stable and well balanced society.

May we all commit ourselves to the preservation of the Church and the Christian faith

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Saturday 22 April 2023


ROMANS 1  v18/32

In my last sermon, I referred to the practice of the Church and some of the preachers, to avoid preaching on subjects which were not welcome by society. Now, continuing in the same Chapter in ensuing verses, we see the consequences for ignoring the truth of  God’s Word; the Church has failed to uphold the gospel, and society has responded in a manner that might have been expected.

There is no more clear a rebuke than the words of one verse which reads, ‘to those who give approval to such things’. For example, we have Church leaders campaigning to hold same sex marriages in Church, and bishops calling for biblical definition of marriage to be abandoned. This in spite of the World Anglican Communion withdrawing association with the Church of England, which until recently was considered to be the mother Church of the Communion, and also calling on the Archbishop of Canterbury to repent for the Church violating God’s Holy Word. when it approved blessings for same sex marriage. It is almost certain, the bishops will call for the marriages to be performed in Church when Synod meets in July.

I wonder what the Communion’s view is of the Archbishop of Canterbury, apologizing to the association which promotes homosexuality, because the Church has not already voted for same sex marriage.

Looking at verses 18 to 32, three times it is stated ‘God gave them up’. God abandoned those men who had sexual relations with other men, and women who did likewise with other women. The Bible states, they know God’s decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, yet they not only do them, but give approval to those who practice them.’

There is opportunity for those who wish to ‘marry’ someone of the same sex to do so in civil union, but  there should be realization that the Church has its own faith and faithfulness to the Scriptures .It would be interesting to know how many who wish to have a ceremony, ever attend Church.

The wrath of God is righteously revealed against sinners, and his anger is a response to human wickedness.  The Bible states, the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against ungodliness and unrighteousness by those who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. This indicates God’s moral character and his sense of justice. Nations have gone their own way, and often protected sinners and made life easier for them, by making laws protecting those whose activities are contrary to Scripture. This in turn has led to honourable people who have taken an alternative attitude. to be suspended from their place of employment.

The greatest aim of activists who wish to destabilize society, is the family. Totalitarian regimes have all chosen such attacks. Strife is played up and families break, and a route taken is by sexuality. Today, we see this being played out with sex dominating all forms of entertainment, with the internet excelling into pornography.

The saddest and most tragic result of such immorality is the number of innocent and lovely young women being sexually attacked, and bodies being found in rivers. The impression being created, is that sex now is an inevitable part of relationships.

The most wonderful and fulfilling gift God gave mankind, is that of a man and woman being united in Holy Matrimony . This leading to the two making a family, in which all members share, love and care for each other. If such can be broken up, there will be chaos.

The one body that can overcome such tragedy is the Church. Jesus said to Peter, ‘feed my sheep’; a call to all the Lord’s followers to make the love of God and Jesus known, spreading the gospel in simple and plain words. The Church should not be seen as merely a profession for men and women, with personal ambition, but the voice feet and hands of God on earth.

The last words of Jesus on this earth were a call for the gospel to go to all nations. All Christians should do their part in return for the sacrifice so readily given by Jesus on the Cross.


Wednesday 19 April 2023


ROMANS v 16/17
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jews and also to the Gentile. For in it, is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith, as it is written the righteous shall live by faith.                                        

Paul is writing to Christians in Rome, the mightiest city of the day, a city full of learning yet also full of immorality, where Christianity would not be appreciated, and he was ready and eager to go and preach the gospel no matter what the cost, even though Christians were in danger of persecution; a sort of London of the day. He had been beaten, stoned and left for dead, as a result of his preaching, but never gave up; now he is in the most powerful city in the then world. We need to look at particular words in the passage.
These are important  verses in the Bible, for they give a life-saving message which caused Martin Lither to initiate the Protestant Reformation.
There is a comparative likeness today, with Churches in the Western Hemisphere who have abandoned God’s Holy Word, to associate with the prevailing culture of society, which is dominated by activists who seek to destroy marriage and the traditional family, and cause mayhem attempting to destroy God’s order of creation.

Why do so few people attend Church? Where going to Church was once as normal as going to work or any other activity, this is no longer the case.
It is generally recognised that this is largely a godless nation. Most people believe that there is a God, they just don’t want Him to interfere in their lives. We forget or ignore the fact we owe life and breath to Him, but we still want Him to be available when we have a problem in our lives. People get annoyed when He does not act to their bidding, even though they have no time for Him at other times. We were created with a soul, with a spirit. All of us were made in the image of God. All of us were made to have a relationship with God.
But there is a section of people who do feel a spiritual need, as was witnessed at Christmas when many Churches saw increased congregations.
We have to also accept that the Church exists primarily for one purpose, to proclaim the Christian gospel. All other activities are subsidiary.  If we restrict that, then we have no claim to be here; people can get social amenities from many sources, they can only get the gospel from the Church. The primary means of bringing people to Christ, is through the preaching of the gospel.
What has dissuaded a lot of people, is the failure of the Church to preach a united message. The Bible states a house divided against itself will fall, and politicians have found to their cost, that any Party which is divided in its policies will lose support. So it is with the Church; people are confused as to what we believe and teach.
People have a right to expect a positive message when they attend Church, a biblical message. This is why Billy Graham became the most successful preacher of all time. His preaching was uncompromising, and people flocked in their tens of thousands to hear him, and they respected him for his directness.
The Apostle Paul was a devoted missionary, who took the gospel around the ancient world, and leaving his Letter to the Roman Church for generations to follow, learn and act upon. This Letter, has been stated  to be a masterpiece by eminent theologians,

He wanted to go to Rome, a city where clever and learned philosophers would meet in the city centre, and debate subjects of the day, and Paul wanted to preach the gospel to them. He was not, as others had been, frightened, for he believed that the gospel was the very power of God, and he would not be intimidated by what he might face.

He was ready to face Jew and non-Jew, and had confidence that God would support and protect him, especially as God had chosen him to take the gospel to all people.  He was proud to be an Apostle, and felt the privilege at being a preacher. This had caused him to be tortured, beaten, a prisoner, stoned, yet was ready to face anything and go anywhere to serve his Lord. He makes a lot of the preachers of today look weak and inept. Never ashamed in telling the gospel as God had spoken and Jesus commanded.

Paul explains why he was so eager to preach this gospel everywhere; it was the power of God in which the righteousness of God is revealed. In view of their size or honour in the Roman Council of influence, Christians were tempted to be ashamed of the Christian message. Paul said there is nothing to be ashamed of, for it is in the message coming with the power of God, which brings people to salvation. This was to be to the Jew first, to indicate the Jews salvation history and their election as the favourite people of God.  The role of the Jews is a major issue in the Letter to the Romans. Greek refers to all who are not Jews and bears no relevance to Greece.

The righteousness of God is a crucial term, which means having a right standing before God.  It also means God is righteous in mercy, justice and has a holy moral character.

From faith to faith, shall live by faith means, it is by faith from start to finish by faith, receives h gift of salvation.

In to-day’s Church we have the Bible re-interpreted to please society, and the message is modified or controversial passages not preached upon.  Clearly, the gospel does make too many people ashamed.

I don’t say this lightly, I have been complained about by both clergy and lay people for not giving an alternative teaching about the physical resurrection. Gender and sexuality. When I ask what alternative there is, I either don’t get an answer or they just slide away.

Let us then look at what we (should)mean when we talk of the gospel. Jesus was a baby born in a stable, with Mary His mother, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, God the Father.  He grew up, and accompanied by twelve Apostles preached God’s Word, performed miraculous healings, condemning false teachers, died a cruel and horrendous death after vicious beatings, and did so that all who believed He died to pay the penalty for all sin, so that people who accept they were saved by Him, and claim Him as their Saviour, may be made righteous before God; was buried and after three days was risen from death, and ascended after fifty days to be at the right hand of God, where he intercedes for us. There is nothing to be ashamed of in Christianity; we might be ashamed of things we did, and should have done differently, and for unkind words, but in no way can we consider the story of Jesus as shameful.

The Bible should be the basis for ALL our preaching, it is the foundation of all truth. We cannot just pick and choose which parts we want, and cast out those which are not popular with society, or might cast doubt on our way of living. We should all be preaching on the same lines.   Paul  glorified in the gospel.

Jesus in His preaching had two effects; He either saved people or upset them. If we study the preaching of Jesus, the people did not always go away smiling, even His own disciples walked away from Him at one time. We like to read and hear the stories of Jesus as long as they do not place too much of an obligation on us. But many did believe in Him and went away with a different reaction.
Preachers now should be prepared to tell the Bible as it is written, telling people what need to hear rather than what they might like to hear. Preachers can however be intimidated and be frightened of upsetting modern susceptibilities. To preach fundamental truth will inevitably cause some upset. But let us take heart from Paul who faced all that could be put against him, and so caused Christianity to spread throughout the ancient world.
I have been to three services in recent times when there has been a child being baptised, with people who have not been to Church for a long time, if ever. What an opportunity of preaching the gospel, yet there was absolutely nothing.
We may offer what is hard for sceptics to believe, but that should not stop us telling it. The gospel does annoy people, so the Church has tried to dilute the message to please and conciliate people, to such an extent that it has nothing special to offer. If it is just another social organisation with a religious flavour there is no cause for people to support it.There is power is for everyone who believes. This means more than just believing there is a God, the devil accepts that. It is not enough to just hear and say you believe, it demands a response. God wants all people to turn to Him.
. We cannot make ourselves righteous before God, but we can be through Jesus’ atoning death. Jesus acts as a bridge between God and us, putting us in good standing in God’s eyes, making it thus possible for us to be acceptable to God. This is God’s powerful way of bringing all who believe to heaven. We are saved by grace (Great Riches At Christ’s Expense) through faith, and when we believe fully in Christ we are in a right relationship with God.
You must have faith. Many people are reluctant to trust in God. We travel by plane, and put our faith that the pilot knows what he is doing although we know nothing about him. If you go to the doctor for some illness and he gives you a prescription, you then get dispensed and take, trusting the doctor and the chemist, but you don’t just leave it in a cupboard if you want to get better. So with the gospel; there is no point in just seeking a spiritual prescription; you have to take that by faith, which means reaching out to God and accepting the gospel.
The key word is righteousness, which means to have a right standing in God’s eyes. It’s a legal term which means to declare “not guilty” and to declare “innocent of all charges.” When we believe, repent and have faith, we are justified, just as if we had not sinned.
When we use the word justified in normal language, we mean we try to prove we were right in our actions. But we cannot prove ourselves to God; He is the One who puts us in the right when He forgives by His grace through our faith.
In conclusion, never be ashamed of the gospel. When Paul wrote to Timothy he told him not to have a spirit of timidity, but be ready to preach the word that God saved us by His grace which He has given us through Christ Jesus.  Let us Christians be as proud of our faith as other faiths are of theirs, remembering there is salvation in no one else than Jesus, for there is no other name under heaven given among men, by which we can be saved



Monday 17 April 2023



TITLE; www.ericroyden com

I thank you all for the kind messages sent, and assure you I read them all. I am however    

unable to answer or reply to each one due to the number received, and trust no one will feel 

they have been ignored.

I hope you will be able to continue reading the sermons and find them truly consistent with

Holy Scripture and the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

May God bless you.

Sunday 16 April 2023


Friday 14 April 2023


The scene in our Gospel story is the Sea of Galilee, just after the crucifixion. Seven of the disciples were there feeling probably a little guilty; only John had remained at the Cross leaving the others to feel a sense of betrayal. The main character in this story however is Peter, the man who denied the Lord and is now devastated with himself, a feeling which many Christians may have passed through. Now things are going to change as he meets the risen Christ.

When the chapter begin they are all wondering what is going to happen to them, all their plans and hopes for the future have been blown apart. There is nothing to induce a feeling of hopelessness so much as a time of tragic failure. Peter had wept bitterly after denying Jesus; he had been so close to the Lord for three years and failed Him at the last days. We may all have experienced a similar feeling when we have succumbed to temptation in a time of weakness and regretted doing so, realising we have let the Lord down.

What would our life be like if our actions were in line with what we said? How many people regularly sing and say words in Church,e and then go out into the world and behave in a contradictory way? I know clergy who recite the Creed, but do not accept the Virgin Birth, or/and, the physical resurrection of our Lord. How shameful is that? Let no one therefore think ill of Peter, for as Paul stated, there is no one righteous, no not one.’

I like the story of a Church where the congregation had just sang ‘stand up for Jesus’ and the Vicar had gone into the pulpit, when two men wearing black hoods walked in brandishing guns. Who is going to stand up for Jesus here they asked? The choir ran out, the Wardens and best part of the congregation. The men took off their masks, put down their guns and said, ‘carry on now Vicar, we have got rid of the hypocrites.’

The disciples decided to get on with their lives and went out fishing, and it was the practice to go out at night using torches to scan the water, so attracting fish to the boat where they would then be netted. We are told that nothing seemed to be going right for them as they had caught nothing. But help was at hand.

Jesus was on the water side, saw their need, and went to meet them. The Lord will come to our help when He is needed too. The Bible is full of stories, offering comfort and bringing light and hope into souls which are grieving. No matter if our condition is one of loss or failure, Jesus will not cast us off if we are repentant.

Jesus made, Peter realise his failure, and still speaks to us in various ways. Often through a preacher, who will have no knowledge of your problem, but the words he uses may have been given to him by the Lord to speak to your heart. Whilst God, as a God justice cannot overlook sin, He will try to make our hearts feel we have offended Him, until we confess our betrayal of Him.

Jesus told the fishermen where to cast their nets, and we are told specifically they caught 153 fish. This was thought to represent the number of different kinds of fish that existed, and is an indication to us that God wants us to go out and bring the gospel to all men and women.

The story tells us these men were in effect just drifting along when Jesus brought them back to be successful, and rather than send a storm to teach them a lesson for letting Him down, He tends to restore them by love. He cooked breakfast for them around a charcoal fire, like the one Peter stood around when he denied the Lord.

Jesus then had a personal meeting with Peter, something we should all seek, for it is good to talk privately with the Lord. Three times Jesus asked Peter if the loved Jesus, and three times He said feed my sheep. By that Jesus meant teach people the Word of God, and what Jesus could mean to them. How we need to heed Jesus command, for the Word of God is not being taught in too many Churches, and is being vastly moderated, diluted and indeed twisted in others. Even within Churches, immoral behaviour is being tolerated and accepted.

I once knew a Vicar who was so devoted to teaching about Jesus. He saw one of his congregation in a supermarket and went up to her, then introduced her to another unknown woman and said ‘this is Mary, she wants to tell you what Jesus means to her’, then left poor Mary together with the unknown woman./

Another time he was walking along a London street with a Vicar friend, and said the next person he met he would tell them about Jesus. They walked a few yards, and there was a window cleaner up a ladder. The Vicar shouted, ‘come down I want to tell you about Jesus.’ The window cleaner told him to go away, or words to that effect, so when the window cleaner stepped from his ladder on to a window ledge, the Vicar took away the ladder and said, ‘now will you come down’?

Jesus would not want us to be so committed perhaps as that dear Vicar, just want us to tell a friend we go to worship
Him at Church would be a start. Better still, invite your friend to Church.

We have come to the last Chapter of the Gospel which many people feel is the most precious, because John was so close to Jesus, and who on the Lord’s death, took care of the mother of Jesus.

We know from this Gospel, that the future history of Christians, both in life and death, is foreknown by Christ.  The truth before us is comfort to a true believer, whilst to non-believers to know their future would be sorrowful.  The whole future is known and arranged by Jesus, there is no such thing as luck, chance or accident, in the journey of life. 

This may help those who lose someone dear and find life in the present too awful to bear, can look forward with hope to once again be joined with that precious one. We walk a long road to heaven, but what joy when we will reach there.  All has been arranged by our Lord. Let us pray while we live in health, that we may glorify God to the end.  John Wesley stated, when one found fault with the doctrines and practices of the Methodists, at any rate they die well.

We learn from these verses that whatever we may think of the condition of other people, we should think first of ourself. When Peter asked anxiously about the future of the Apostle John, he received an answer from the Lord, which was virtually a rebuke, in that Peter should just concern with himself.  The Lord’s warning  to Peter is needed in the present day, when Christians, by human nature fall into a wrong way.

We finally learn from this Chapter, the number and greatness of Christ’s works during His earthly ministry.  John concludes his Gospel by stating there were so many other things which Jesus said and did, it would take many books to fill,, but the  human mind would be unlikely to record them.

So we close this tender Gospel with feelings of thankfulness, and we can reflect how clear and plain, is the teaching it gives about the way of salvation.  Those who read this Gospel, and believe Jesus is the Christ foretold in the Scriptures, and go on believing, has life through His Name. Be sure you are a true believer.


Tuesday 11 April 2023

     JOHN 20 v 19-end

The Gospel passage for this Sunday comes from John’s gospel in Chapter 20, and is the story of Jesus appearance to His Apostles in the Upper Room on the evening of the first Easter Sunday. 

 The Apostles were in the Upper Room, terrified in fear for their lives.  This was because rumours had been spread around Jerusalem that they must have stolen the body, and they feared the authorities might take action against them.  The doors were firmly shut, yet Jesus appeared in the room to their amazement, but also joy.  

 This suggests that His body was a supernatural body, and so if we are to be like Him in heaven, our future bodies will also be supernatural.   Jesus was giving a demonstration in confirmation He was alive.   This was no animation of a corpse; it was Jesus in a new form of being which could pass through doors.

You can imagine the reaction of the Apostles, who must have thought they were hallucinating, for most people do at some time have visions, especially if you are longing for someone whom you never expected to see.  The Apostles were delighted to see the Lord however.

Jesus greeted them with the traditional Jewish greeting Shalom, words which mean not only ‘peace be with you’, but every kind of blessing.  He then showed them His hands and side, to prove that it was the same Jesus they had known when they were with Him, but by showing His wounds, it verified that this was the Jesus who had been on the Cross and was now an alive person

At His baptism the Holy Spirit was poured out on Jesus, and He now tells the Apostles as God had given Him the Holy Spirit, He (Jesus) was giving them the power of the Holy Spirit, to go out and tell the world about His offer of eternal salvation, for all who accepted and believed in Him.  If anyone did not, they were condemned eternally; they could forgive people’s sins, or if necessary to refuse to do so. 

 It is from this passage that the Churches of Catholic persuasion, Roman or Anglican, claim authority to pronounce absolution.  This is contrary to Scripture, which teaches that only God can give forgiveness, and there is nothing in the Bible that I can find which supports priestly absolution.

The Church should, and must obey the Lord’s command, preaching the gospel that He left us, so that when people hear that message from us, they are indirectly hearing the words of our Lord, abandoning all the modern fancy ideas aimed at pleasing society. 

 We don’t go out saying the Bible says…,but, I’ve got a better idea, we go in His name saying what  He said.  God wants us to be out into the world, doing what Jesus did. Jesus is sending us out in the power of the Holy Spirit to be His hands and feet and voice

Every Christian can seek forgiveness from God directly, but if we are considering wanting to make a confession of sins and seeking assurance, then for good order and discipline one could reasonably state a priest is the person to approach, rather than just any member of the Church.

 I have known instances where people have met for study groups, and during the meeting been invited and encouraged to speak out on personal troubles, which is quite seriously unwise, as there is no moral demands on friends to keep confidentiality.  There is no doubt that by talking out a worrying matter, it can ease one’s mind, but a priest (or ordained minister) is the one who should be approached, bound as he is not to reveal any confidence. 

The Church has to a large degree lost its purpose for being; we are here to preach the gospel, but there is a greater desire in many places to be more busy in social activities as well as political.  Bishops were very active in advising how to vote in the Brexit referendum, if they were as active in advising how to fill the Churches, which are emptying at an alarming rate, they would be fulfilling their proper day job.

A principal stated function of the Parish Church Council is to promote mission in the parish.  Without a fixed spiritual leader this is a difficult task, but we hope it will soon be resolved and the function can be exercised.

One essential for every Church I have always believed, is to emulate business.  Firms spend millions on advertising their product; we are in the Lord’s business, and have what no other business can uniquely offer, but the Church generally does not offer well or imaginatively enough, much is banal or appealing only to its own people (customers)

 For 17 years I edited my Church magazine, so I have always been interested to look and read other Church magazines, as distinguished from village magazines with a Church contribution.  In so many they were containing only Church gossip with reports of what had happened.

For an (exclusive) Church magazine, that serves no useful purpose.  There is a need to explain what WILL be going on; relating Bible stories, quoting from sermons, and Church news from a wide area.

As many Churches are village or local suburban, pointing out how fortunate residents are to live in nice areas, lovely houses, no persistent anti-social behaviour to contend with, so perhaps as an expression of appreciation for such blessings to the Almighty would be in o.

 Most people cherish the village Church so quintessencely English, as long as they are not required to attend.  There is a little limerick, each time I pass my parish Church, I think I’ll pay a visit, so when at last I’m taken in, the Lord won’t ask who is it?

People need to be reminded there is a cost in keeping a Church, which often has resulted in them being sold for a bingo hall, social housing or a Mosque.  

At this first meeting of Jesus with the Apostles, Thomas was not present but he was told by the other Apostles what had taken place, and Thomas being known for his scepticism, refused to believe them.  He stated he would never believe they had seen Jesus, unless he placed his hand and finger in the wounds.

Thomas was just and ordinary bloke who didn’t know the full story and wanted proof. A week later however he is back with them in the Upper Room when Jesus again appears, and Thomas realises his lack of faith and makes the confession, with the deeply committed words, ‘my Lord and my God’.  AND he never did put his hand or finger near Jesus’ wounds.

Jesus then said words which resonate powerfully today.  ‘Blessed are they who have not seen and yet have believed.’ . 

We must not criticise Thomas, it must have been hard to believe, that someone so cruelly put to death, should appear alive. It was a unique act inall history, and people do have imaginary visions. 

 How many times have you heard people telling of having seen tears fall from a statue, or of people being touched on the forehead, and then falling to the floor in convulsions at some charismatic meeting? 

 Jesus wanted to show the Apostles, and by extension to Christians through the ages, that His was a tangible bodily resurrection, and there was much evidence to prove so.  The resurrection has been attested to by witnesses both inside and out of the Church.  It has never been doubted there was an empty tomb, so where did the body go.  Would men risk their lives without confidence and personal experience?

We are so lucky in having such wonderful technology, which few of us can explain how it works, but we believe because we see it.  Why challenge the God who made the earth, as being incapable of anything just because you don’t understand how he did it.  This is what separates true believers from fake; faith is believing what you can’t see or explain.     

 Of course, the liberal lobby in the Church today would prefer to go with the doubters, and suggest it was a theoretical and spiritual resurrection rather than a physical one.  The Bible, God’s divinely given Word, is sadly challenged too often.  Is God not to be trusted?

 This chapter will not be fully explained in some Churches today as there will be a problem, namely that there are clergy who do not believe in the physical resurrection. A man, who had challenged the resurrection was some years ago, being consecrated into his Office as a Bishop in York Minster.

 Later the same night a bolt of lightning struck, and blew out the rose window of the Cathedral..  When this was suggested to be God venting His anger, that was mocked and ridiculed by the liberal establishment, yet there was no such experience in any other part of the city.

Sixteen meteorologists studied maps, and found no   lightning at any part of the County that night. They all unanimously declared ‘it must have been an act of God.

 It does make one wonder how some people think of God; of course it was He who vented His anger, that a man of the Church should be made a Bishop rather than be rebuked for challenging such a sacred event as the resurrection In a mocking tone

 Far too many submit to the universal belief that all will go to heaven, so we don’t need to believe Jesus died just to save those who accept Him as Saviour.  God however allows us all free choice, but we will have to live with the choice we make, and one day those who doubt that a personal commitment to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour is necessary, will have a consequence too awful to contemplate. 

 John ends his chapter, telling there were so many other stories he could have told about Jesus and His life and works, but he has obviously selected those with the greatest spiritual significance, and for the prime purpose that all who read his gospel may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.

 When you receive Communion this Sunday you are part of a tradition which has been passed down from that Upper Room.  Millions and millions of people, have found their lives enriched by their faith, and the words of Jesus are still relevant, ‘the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church


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Saturday 8 April 2023

Easter Day
This Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus as countless millions have done so over the centuries, but we face a battle to proclaim our message as secular extremists try to create a spiritual vacuum. Our message is that Jesus Christ is the One who died on a Cross for the forgiveness of our sins and rose again on the third day. That is unique, feat which no other religion can match.

The story begins with Mary Magdelene, the one who loved Jesus dearly because of the help He had given her, being last at the Cross and first at the tomb crying bitterly. She ran for Peter who with John ran to the tomb, and John being the younger got their first, but he let Peter enter the tomb being the stronger character. They realised Jesus must have risen as He had foretold, for there were no clothes present.

We notice here two believers, one gentle and reserved as John, whilst Peter was always more impulsive and decisive, each revealing their devotion in different ways. There is room for all characters in the Church.

The men left the scene, but Mary stayed and was rewarded when she became the first person to meet the risen Lord. Jesus spoke one word to her and she flung herself at His feet. He told her to go and tell the disciples what she had found.

This is what Easter is all about, the real spiritual message that Jesus rose from the dead, not the money making enterprise it has become. Easter is celebrated to remind us, that when our days on this earth are over we have the assurance we shall live with our Lord if we have accepted Him as Saviour. The resurrection is the foundation of Christianity.

Whilst there is much about our faith that sorts is respected by people who are not practising Christians, such as being forgiven of sin, hearing that God is love (very popular), but they think that is a free for all without any commitment. They will come to Church for a baptism, and make all of promises simply because it is a necessary requirement, but they don’t take things seriously or literally. Things are not made any by the irresponsible liberals within the Church, who themselves question much of the faith.

If someone had said a hundred years ago that we could sit in our homes, and by watching a box in the corner of the room show events then happening on the other side of the world; or that by taking a small handset pressing a few buttons, you could speak to someone in any part of the world they would have been deemed to be insane. Yet it happens every day man made, and we still question what the Almighty God can achieve.

If Easter had not happened; if Jesus had not been raised from the dead, then we have no faith. Christianity rises and falls on the resurrection of Jesus. This has been proclaimed down the ages and if not true, the Bible writers would have lied, and millions of people would have made great sacrifices in the cause of the faith in vain.

 Why would educated men like Paul, and down to earth fishermen lie when they had nothing to gain by doing so? Paul had a brilliant mind, one of the finest minds of his day, and was a determined opponent of Christianity, yet God convinced him ,and in consequence Paul suffered very much for the sake of the gospel.

If Jesus had not been raised there would be no forgiveness, we would have no future, but the evidence is overwhelming in favour. First century witnesses and documents tell. We have testimony from men present at that time, that the resurrection of Jesus was real, objective and physical,

This is what the Church has always believed in over two thousand years of Christian witness, that has sustained the hearts of millions.

The Apostles Creed does not say I believe in the forgiveness of sins and the spiritual resurrection of Jesus, it says I believed in the resurrection of the body. When liberals challenge this they do so in spite of all the evidence.

After the resurrection we find the Apostles preaching openly and fearlessly, and suffering violently for doing so. Men do not invent stories to be put in prison and get beaten up, or hung on a cross like Peter.

Through centuries that have followed, brilliant men and women have experienced the same fellowship and power in their lives, in addition to peace of mind. They were not simple minded people, but some of the greatest scholars of their day.

Thank God there was an empty tomb, for it proclaims that death is the door to eternal life. Let us always remember that Jesus never changes, He is the same yesterday to today for ever, and will take care of all who believe and put their trust in Him.

May you have a happy and blessed Easter


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Wednesday 5 April 2023


JOHN 18 and 19

Chapters 18 and 19 of John’s gospel provide a comprehensive account of the events leading to Good Friday.  Jesus had celebrated the Last Supper with His apostles, Judas had betrayed Him, and now He was ready to take His last journey to the Cross in Jerusalem. He will appear begore the Jewish leaders, given a mock trial and be sentenced to death.

Jesus with His Apostles crossed the Kidron Valley, and they entered a garden.  Soon after, Judas appeared with soldiers, knowing where Jesus was as He had spent time in the garden with Jesus.

This was a man who had spent three years in close company with Jesus, he had seen the miracles Jesus had performed, and heard all the teachings, and had enjoyed all the privileges of being with Him, yet showed himself to be corrupt and treacherous.

Jesus handed Himself over to the soldiers, which showed His courage and His  authority. He was then ready to die, although He could have walked away, but He let His enemies take Him away, but showed His love and care for His Apostles as He left.

Jesus was showing the obedience He gave to His Father, doing what God  had decreed would be done.  The Apostles Peter showed courage, and whilst he would later deny knowing Jesus, at the time of arrest was ready to challenge the soldiers.

Jesus was taken away to face Annas, a prominent figure in Jewish history, a power before the throne in Jerusalem. He had four sons who had all been high priests together with his son-in-law Caiaphas.  The Office of the High Priest went to the highest bidder, and Annas was a rich man who traded in the Temple. Jesus cleared the Temple of traders, which caused Annas to lose money, who now saw the opportunity to strike back.

The Jewish law laid down a prisoner should not be asked anything which could admit guilt, but Annas did not recognize such rules and did ask Jesus questions, When Jesus reminded Annas of justice, one of the soldiers slapped the face of Jesus, there was never any chance of justice, Jesus convicted before the trial had actually begun, and was sentenced to die.

The country was governed by Rome, and did not have the right to carry out the death penalty.  This is why the Jews had to go to Pilate before Jesus could be crucified. This was the most cruel way to kill a man. He had to be nailed to a Cross, then left in burning sunlight with no food or water, left to hang in agony until death occurred, which could be up to a week. Jesus said He would be lifted up, (meaning be glorified) and would draw all men to Him. He was to face a bitter crowd in hysteria, mocjing and insulting |Him.

There was no way to get Pilate to get authority, as it meant going into his house to speak to him. But this would stop them eating aa a Passover meal, for contact with a Gentile meant they would be rendered unclean. Ceremonial procedures had to be carried out, and no one would ignore the procedure.

Such concentration on ceremony, still exists in Christian Churches. After ordination, I was sent to an Anglo-Catholic Church by my Bishop. He thought I should learn how in a way, different from my evangelical approach, which did not have candles, bells , and ceremonial dress. I found that there was more attention to a procedure than to the gospel.

Jesus was charged with blasphemy as it was realized Pilate would not act on a charge of Jewish law, so they changed the sentence to fit rebellion and insurrection. Claiming Jesus called Himself a King, and offended Caesar. Pilate knew they were lying, and that Jesus was innocent, and did not want to sentence Him.  

At this time, there was a shortage of water, so Pilate ordered a new aqueduct would be built, and took money from Jewish sources. This caused Jews to riot. Pilate had soldiers in plain clothes, and at a given time the soldiers would attack with weapons, and many jews were killed. 

The Jewish leaders complained to the Roman Emperor. and Pilate was called to answer back in Rome, by the Roman governor Tiberius, but he died whilst Pilate was on his way to Rome, so Pilate never faced any rebuke.

The Jews were in position to blackmail Pilate to certifying the death sentence, under threat of further complaint to Rome. He never wanted to sentence Jesus, but despite trying hard to avoid, finally gave in to the Jews.

Pilate asked Jesus if He was a king. Jesus asked if Pilate had discovered this, or was it from information given. When he heard Jesus saying He was the Son of God, he became frightened, and suspected God was in this matter and he was scared to offend the Jews or defy God. Jesus said He had come to witness to truth, and Pilate asked that poignant question, what is truth.

Jesus like other persons facing crucifixion, was first beaten 39 times with a leather belt studded with pieces of iron which cut into the skin.

 Jesus knew He had to go to the Cross to suffer and die to provide forgiveness of sins for all people. In all things, Jesus submitted Himself to His father’s commands. We could never bear the suffering, but He knew it had to be done. We in our turn however, should try to follow  a readiness to do as much as we can to serve God

The soldiers and Jewish opponents of Jesus took Him away showing no kindness nor sympathy, they just blindly and coldly led Him away

Today in our world there is still a hostility and hardness of heart to religion, especially Christianity.  There is a Labour Party motion submitted in Parliament, to force the Church of England to adopt same sex marriage, which will be debated and probably passed. They would never dare to submit a motion to force Islam to do something against their faith. 

The sadness is. that there are too many bishops who will also support them, judging on how they slipped in same sex blessings, which offended the Anglican Communion worldwide. Unfortunately our leaders do not have the same courage and concern for Christianity as Muslim clerics do for Islam.

Jesus was taken out to a place on the outskirts of the City in a procession which moved slowly.  It would be led by two legionnaires, clearing the crowd aside as they called curses and tried to hit Jesus. He had been made to carry His own Cross after the beating, and eventually He could not do so any further under the sun’s hot rays.

There was a crowd of women trailing behind the procession, their faces covered with veils, their grief was showing. Some were talking of the wonderful deeds the Lord had done. Meanwhile, a man from Cyrene named Simon had come for the Passover, and he was seized by the soldiers and made to carry the ross for Jesus.

They reached Calvary, a hill shaped like a skull outside the city gate.  The nails were driven in the hand and legs of Jesus as His mother Mary had to witness. The mob was still shouting at Jesus, saying He saved others why can’t He save Himself. Jesus listened and then prayed, ‘Father forgive them for they know not what they do’.

There were two thieves alongside Jesus, and one asked Jesus if He was the Son of God to save them.  He then began to swear and curse at Jesus, and his friend turned on him and said they deserved what was happening to them, but Jesus had done nothing wrong.  He then turned to Jesus and said ‘remember me when thou come into thy Kingdom’. Jesus answered him by saying, ’this very day when this pain is over, we shall be together you and I in Paradise’.  Jesus then opened His eyes and saw His mother standing there with the Apostle John beside her. John was called by Jesus, and told to look after His mother, and to His mother He told her John will be her son

The women were crying and praying for Jesus, and a soldier stood nearby with the other soldiers who had gambled for the clothes of Jesus were nearby.  Suddenly, Jesus gave a loud cry and said, ‘It is finished. Father into thy hands I commit my spirit’  Then He died.

How human character does not change all that much. The men all treated Jesus coldly and mockingly, and the women all cried. Look at the Church congregations now, 20% men and 80% women.

Two thousand years have passed, still the Cross stands firm in the minds of Christians, and in other people’s minds they are as oppressive as the crowds who mocked Jesus. To a sizeable majority, they have the same aggression as those crowds. Committed Christians are being suspended from their employment for wearing a cross. A Nurse with fifteen years devoted service was suspended and almost lost her job, just for having been seen praying with an ill patient.

For true Bible believing Christians, Calvary is yet in our minds as we approach this Good Friday.